History Fat acceptance movement
1 history 1.1 first wave 1.2 second wave 1.3 third wave history the history of fat acceptance movement can dated 1967 when 500 people met in new york s central park protest against anti-fat bias. sociologist charlotte cooper has argued history of fat activist movement best understood in waves, similar feminist movement, believes closely tied. cooper believes fat activists have suffered similar waves of activism followed burnout, activists in following wave unaware of history of movement, resulting in lack of continuity. first wave first wave activities consisted of isolated activists drawing attention dominant model of obesity , challenging 1 of number of possible models. there many possible reasons development of weight discrimination. during part of 20th century, obesity seen detrimental community, means of decreasing human efficiency, , obese people interfere labor productivity in coastal areas of united states. kind of history , visibility gave rise fat acceptance movement originat...