History Streeter, North Dakota

the post office @ present-day streeter established bloomenfield on february 28, 1893, , town founded , named streeter in spring of 1905, when homestead owned alex anderson plotted , sold public. first streets in city named after anderson s 2 daughters, frances , florence. streeter named in honor of darwin reed streeter, pioneer newspaper editor , legislator emmons county, known throughout state.

the town experienced severe fire on january 12, 1911, destroyed city s bank, 2 general stores, , drug store.

streeter officially became city in 1950, , first mayor oscar seher. city reached peak population of 602 year, number has since fallen considerably. in 1955, community s business infrastructure consisted of 5 churches, 3 general stores, drug store, bank, locker plant, 2 hardware stores, 2 cream stations, 2 electric stores, 3 service stations, 2 implement dealers, 3 bulk stations, 2 cafes, 1 hotel, 1 movie theater, recreation hall, 2 blacksmith shops, plumbing supply shop, barber shop, 4 grain elevators, lumber yard, poultry egg , feed store, , 2 taverns.

the streeter centennial held on weekend of july 1–3 in 2005. festivities included class reunions, parade, flea markets, , antique galleries. concluded golf tournament, , church service. estimated 4,000 people attended three-day event, including 700 streeter alumni.


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