History Arab separatism in Khuzestan

1 history

1.1 shaykh khazal rebellion
1.2 further unrest (1920s–1940s)
1.3 after wwii
1.4 1979 uprising
1.5 asmla establishment

1.5.1 civil unrests 2005–15

1.6 sporadic insurgency , riots (2015–present)

1.6.1 2017 riots

shaykh khazal rebellion

khuzestan has been troublesome province of iran since ascent of pahlavi rule in 1920s. in 2 decades before 1924, although nominally part of persian territory, western part of khuzestan functioned autonomous emirate known arabistan . eastern part of khuzestan governed bakhtiari khans because eastern part of khuzestan inhabited bakhtiari people. rising power of reza khan , increasingly negative attitudes on tribal autonomies in iran, tensions shaikh khazal of mohammerah had grown 1922 1924. attempts withdraw more taxes , reduce khazal s authority heated more. in response khaz al al-ka bi initiated rebellion. short rebellion sheikh khazal, @ peak in november 1924, crushed newly installed pahlavi dynasty minimal casualties. emirate dissolved reza shah government in 1925, along other autonomous regions of persia, in bid centralize state. @ least 115 people died in insurrection. low level conflict between central iranian government , arab separatists of western part of province continued since.

further unrest (1920s–1940s)

riots broke out 1925, in 1928 , 1940. name khuzistan came applied once again entire territory 1936. in august 1941, reza khan, had been close nazis, replaced son muhammad. new revolts in khuzestan under new iranian leadership occurred in 1943 , 1945 , quelled in blood.

after wwii

in 1946, al saada party founded in muhammar , demanded independence of khuzestan. iranian army took advantage of conflicts communist party, toudeh, commit massacres. later in arabistan, new independent or autonomist parties came being: arabistan liberation front in 1956; national front liberation of arabistan , arab gulf in 1960; in 1967, arabistan liberation front became al ahwaz liberation front . sporadic arab insurgency in khuzestan continued through 1950s, reduced in final decade of pahlavy rule (1970s).

1979 uprising

with change of regime, 1979 khuzestan uprising became 1 of nationwide uprisings, erupted in aftermath of iranian revolution. unrest fed demands autonomy. uprising quelled iranian security forces, resulting in more hundred people on both sides killed combined. iranian embassy siege of 1980 in london initiated arab separatist group aftermath response iranian crackdown in khuzestan, after 1979 uprising. initially, emerged terrorists wanted autonomy khuzestan; later demanded release of 91 of comrades held in iranian jails.

asmla establishment

in 1999, arab struggle movement liberation of ahwaz (asmla) established habib jabr al-ka’bi in order pursuit political struggle independence of ahwaz (khuzistan).

civil unrests 2005–15

in 2005, wide scale unrest broke out in ahvaz , surrounding towns. unrest erupted on 15 april 2005, , lasted 4 days. initially, iranian interior ministry stated 1 person had been killed, official @ hospital in ahvaz said between 15 , 20 mortal casualties.

consequently, series of bombings carried out in ahvaz , other cities in iran in late 2005 , 2006, blamed upon sunni arab separatist groups of khuzestan.

the 2011 khuzestan protests, known among protesters ahvaz day of rage, erupted on 15 april 2011 in iranian khuzestan, mark anniversary of 2005 ahvaz unrest, , response regional arab spring. protests lasted 4 days , resulted in 12 15 protesters killed , many wounded , arrested. 1 security officer killed well, , wounded. crackdown on arab political opposition in area continued since arrests , executions. 4 ahwazi men executed in iran on june 2012, in relation 2011 unrest. crackdown on arab sunni opposition has been condemned human rights watch, amnesty, , others.

in 2013, bombings carried out in ahvaz, reportedly made arab struggle movement liberation of ahwaz (asmla).

on 23 march 2015, football match discontent resulted in anti-government protests in ahvaz. local football fans defiantly expressed support saudi al-hilal football team during match , burnt pictures of ayatollah ruhollah khomeini, late iranian spiritual leader spearheaded 1979 iranian revolution. opposition national council of resistance of iran said fans further carried banners declaring “we younes,” reference street vendor, immolated himself few days before match in nearby city of khorramshahr. in parallel, iran’s state-run press tv has broadcast confessions of captured asmla members said had carried out scores of attacks. arab protester killed iranian security forces during events.

sporadic insurgency , riots (2015–present)

on 2 april 2015, 3 iranian officers killed unidentified gunmen in city of hamidiyeh, 25 kilometers (15 miles) west of city of ahvaz.

additional 2 casualties sustained iranian security on 26 october 2015.

in june 2016, sunni group known suqour al-ahvaz ( hawks of ahvaz ) blew bou-ali-sina petrochemical complex in bandar-e mahshahr, khuzestan.

on july 2016, on 2 occasions ahwazi militants of al-farouq brigade of ahwazi national resistance blew pipelines in johar as-sabaa district. reportedly, members of al-farouq brigade managed escape after operation, despite efforts of security forces , revolutionary guards track down offenders. according algemeiner, group responsible 11 , 17 july attacks suqour al-ahvaz ( hawks of ahvaz ).

in august 2016, iran executed 3 men, charged terror attack led death of 3 iranian policemen in khuzestan province in april 2015.

on october 2016, young girl killed, when iranian security forces attempted arrest father, wanted security reasons.

2017 riots

on 12 february 2017 series of riots began across khuzestan province continuing week. protesters reportedly expressed solidarity fellow countrymen, chanting slogans against iranian government. protests targeted against lack of vital daily services, atmosphere grew political crowd beginning chant “death tyranny,” “death repression,” “we people of ahvaz not accept oppression,” expel incompetent officials,” “ahwaz our city, clean air our right,” , “shame on state police.” iranian government responded unrest issuing statement warning people refrain “illegal gatherings” , serious action taken against , violators. riot police units dispatched city of ahwaz, in addition additional forces neighboring provinces. iranian authorities banned many western reporters visiting city. exiled leader of iranian opposition group maryam rajavi hailed people of khuzestan, while calling on iranians rise in support.

on 15 may 2017, suspected arab separatist gunmen killed 2 police officers in ahvaz.


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