Confrontation with Macedonia Phocion

1 confrontation macedonia

1.1 subjection of athens philip ii
1.2 relations alexander
1.3 athenian rebellion , lamian war against antipater

confrontation macedonia
subjection of athens philip ii

regarding macedonia, phocion s moderate stand avoid confrontation might catastrophic athens. although had been successful in campaigns against it, had come view macedon rising power, , doubt wisdom of athenian foreign policy opposed it. however, athenians preferred firebrand orators desired war. among them demosthenes, lycurgus, , hypereides. particularly emboldened because athens seemed have sufficient military power. philip, on other hand, preferred not go war athens; hoped instead athenians consent put strong navy @ disposal use against persia.

phocion touring aegean colonies when athens commanded generals confront philip. came , addressed assembly, opposing course of action. lawyer asked him if defying people s will, , phocion responded: yes, though know if there war boss, , if there peace mine. unfortunately, athens not persuaded reverse decision. when strategy used against philip came under discussion, question arose whether better engage in battle close home or @ distance. phocion advised, let not ask should fight, how may win. way keep war @ distance. if beaten in distant battle, @ our doors. in event, athens , allies suffered crushing defeat @ chaeronea, in 338 bc. athenian aristocracy supported nomination of phocion strategos, , areopagus passed it.

phocion delayed inevitable garrisoning of defeated athens long possible. initially, favored negotiating directly philip, thought expected lenient, , opposed having athens join congress of greek states , forced accept macedonia s common terms of peace, not yet known. demades, however, offered contrary motion, , athenians approved it. regretted decision, since @ congress philip obliged athenians provide him both ships , cavalry. when athenians expressed remorse, phocion said: opposed motion, fearing this. deed done, , must make best of it. shouldn t without hope, though. our ancestors suffered similar episodes of subjection, carried on, , because of both athens , greece whole survived. later, after philip died (336 bc), phocion banned celebratory sacrifice, saying: army defeated @ chaeronea has lost 1 man.

relations alexander

when new macedonian king, alexander, attack thebes, demosthenes protested impudently. phocion interceded, lines of homer: foolhardy man, why provoke 1 temper savage? why provoke macedonian full of limitless ambition? when there holocaust on our borders, wish spread flames our city well, provoking him further? whole object in taking burdens of office prevent this, , shall not allow fellow citizens destroy themselves, if wish it.

thebes destroyed , alexander demanded handover of anti-macedonian athenians, among whom demosthenes. assembly called upon phocion repeatedly name until stood on feet. beside him, phocion called nicocles, best friend, saying: have been brought pass. deliver nicocles if might request it. must reduce wrath of our conqueror, rather oppose him. nonetheless, athenian assembly passed decree denying demand.

then, when alexander refused see other athenian ambassadors, phocion sent. phocion had been regarded respectable person philip, son received him attentively, listening proposals. alexander persuaded relent in demand opposing athenian politicians (even though enemies of phocion well). indeed, alexander asked advice , phocion said: if macedonia wishes peace, should abandon war. if macedonia desires glory, should turn against persia, instead of oppressing greece.

eventually, phocion favored king, on many macedonians. after alexander defeated persian emperor darius iii, phocion among few individuals saluted word greetings king in correspondence.

during period, phocion maintained policy of peace. alexander made request number of athenian warships phocion supported, saying: should either possess superior strength or side do.

athenian rebellion , lamian war against antipater

in 323 bc, rumors of alexander s death reached athens. phocion feared hasty reaction , commented: if dead now, dead tomorrow well. must cautious before celebrating. macedonian leaders began fighting crown; antipater candidate best prospects. athenians hastened rebel against macedonia. leosthenes, rebel leader, shared charge of strategos phocion. beginning of lamian war although, always, phocion opposed it.

leosthenes inquired historical achievements phocion had attained. phocion responded: think nothing our citizens buried @ home in own tombs? other assemblymen asked him whether military preparations enough or not. phocion said: sufficient sprint. however, if long race, fear athens has no reserves of either men, supplies or warships.

phocion ordered lead military actions against boeotia. cleverly, called on athenians under age of 60 years enroll. elderly protested phocion responded: fair! although 80 years old, lead attack. calmed people down.

on other front, antipater retreated , surrounded greeks, around lamia. athenians exultant. phocion said: have wished being general achieved victory. nonetheless, still have counseled before. more news arrived, phocion said: wondering when news end. leosthenes died in fighting macedonian forces making sally out of besieged lamia. new strategos, antiphilus, appointed, counterbalance phocion.

in 322 bc, phocion hurriedly led force of athenians against micion, had disembarked @ rhamnus army composed of macedonians , mercenaries. many individuals came him military advice exclaimed, heracles, how many generals have, , how few soldiers! attacked enemy , utterly routed them, killing micion. simultaneously, greeks defeated macedonians, @ thessaly. however, craterus brought large army on asia, , greeks defeated @ crannon, in 322 bc.

antipater approached athens. demades, peace advocate, other athenian leader didn t flee. proposed embassy should negotiate peace. phocion commented: if had been listened before, athenians wouldn t need discussing such things. @ thebes, both met antipater, invasion of attica expected imminently. phocion received. when phocion asked antipater cease advance , listen peace proposals, craterus protested unfair army should sit idle in allied lands, damaging economies, while enemy lands ravaged. antipater s lone demand discretional surrendering of athens. in second encounter, @ antipater scorned presence of xenocrates, phocion heard new macedonian terms of peace:

many athenian politicians such demosthenes turned on macedonians.
the athenian suffrage restricted landowners.
a garrison established in munychia, neighborhood next piraeus.
athens pay both war expenses , fine.

phocion argued against garrisoning unsuccessfully. however, phocion knew macedonian commander, menyllus, personally.

soon, antipater proved 1 of worst macedonian tyrants in history.

12,000 athenians disfranchised , many people migrated thrace. phocion helped securing them citizenship in peloponnesus area. phocion became virtual ruler of athens , strove keep peace. influence, individuals appointed magistrates, , people rebellious weren t allowed hold public office. however, phocion refused when antipater requested him dishonorable things, commenting: can t both friend , flatterer. additionally, protected refugee harpalus.


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