Further reading Amaricoccus

1 further reading

1.1 scientific journals
1.2 scientific books
1.3 scientific databases

further reading
scientific journals

maszenan am, seviour rj, patel bk, rees gn, mcdougall bm (1997). amaricoccus gen. nov., gram-negative coccus occurring in regular packages or tetrads, isolated activated sludge biomass, , descriptions of amaricoccus veronensis sp. nov., amaricoccus tamworthensis sp. nov., amaricoccus macauensis sp. nov., , amaricoccus kaplicensis sp. nov . int. j. syst. bacteriol. 47 (3): 727–734. doi:10.1099/00207713-47-3-727. pmid 9226904. 

scientific books

garrity gm, holt jg (2001). taxonomic outline of archaea , bacteria . in dr boone, rw castenholz. bergey s manual of systematic bacteriology volume 1: archaea , branching , phototrophic bacteria (2nd ed.). new york: springer verlag. pp. 155–166. isbn 978-0-387-98771-2. 

scientific databases

pubmed references amaricoccus
pubmed central references amaricoccus
google scholar references amaricoccus


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