in 1874, rochester , state line railroad connected rochester , le roy, although little traffic came or many small agricultural , industrial villages, great depression of 1873-1879. near end of depression, in 1878, railroad had reached salamanca, return prosperity eluded many. the freight carried new line varied. initially, farm produce , lumber comprised revenue loads, , did not materially change until line reached salamanca. then, crude oil became dominant load, solid trains of tankers running north rochester. in end, did not carry significant quantities of coal, , figured in economic failure when oil business declined. unlike standardization prevalent today, lines of 1870s used number of gauges, necessitating means of allowing interchange of rolling stock. rochester , state line railroad faced in salamanca @ interchange atlantic , great western railroad, six-foot gauge. ramsey car transfer device solved problem, although did little inconvenience until & g w saw light of reason , ...