Background Third Crusade

1 background

1.1 muslim unification
1.2 saladin s conquests
1.3 siege of kingdom of jerusalem

muslim unification

after failure of second crusade, nur ad-din zangi had control of damascus , unified syria. eager expand power, nur ad-din set sights on fatimid dynasty of egypt. in 1163, nur ad-din sent trusted general, shirkuh, on military expedition nile. accompanying general young nephew, saladin. shirkuh s troops camped outside of cairo, egypt s sultan shawar called on king amalric of jerusalem assistance. in response, amalric sent army egypt , attacked shirkuh s troops @ bilbeis in 1164.

in attempt divert crusader attention egypt, nur ad-din attacked antioch, resulting in massacre of christian soldiers , capture of several crusader leaders, including bohemond iii, prince of antioch. nur ad-din sent scalps of christian defenders egypt shirkuh proudly display @ bilbeis amalric s soldiers see. action prompted both amalric , shirkuh lead armies out of egypt.

in 1167, nur ad-din again sent shirkuh conquer fatimids in egypt. shawar again opted call upon amalric defend territory. combined egyptian-christian forces pursued shirkuh until retreated alexandria. amalric breached alliance shawar turning forces on egypt , besieging city of bilbeis. shawar pleaded former enemy, nur ad-din, save him amalric s treachery. lacking resources maintain prolonged siege of cairo against combined forces of nur ad-din , shawar, amalric retreated. new alliance gave nur ad-din rule on virtually of syria , egypt.

saladin s conquests

shawar executed alliances christian forces, , shirkuh succeeded him vizier of egypt. in 1169, shirkuh died unexpectedly after weeks of rule. shirkuh s successor nephew, salah ad-din yusuf, commonly known saladin. nur ad-din died in 1174, leaving new empire 11-year-old son, as-salih. decided man competent enough uphold jihad against franks saladin, became sultan of egypt , syria , founder of ayyubid dynasty.

amalric died in 1174, leaving jerusalem 13-year-old son, baldwin iv. although baldwin suffered leprosy, effective , active military commander, defeating saladin @ battle of montgisard in 1177, support raynald of châtillon, had been released prison in 1176. raynald later forged agreement saladin allow free trade between muslim , christian territories. raided caravans throughout region , expanded piracy red sea sending galleys raid ships, , assault city of mecca itself. these acts enraged muslim world, giving raynald reputation hated man in middle east.

baldwin iv died in 1185, , kingdom left nephew baldwin v, whom had crowned co-king in 1183. raymond iii of tripoli again served regent. following year, baldwin v died before ninth birthday, , mother princess sybilla, sister of baldwin iv, crowned herself queen , husband, guy of lusignan, king. raynald again raided rich caravan , had travelers thrown in prison. saladin demanded prisoners , cargo released. newly crowned king guy appealed raynald give in saladin s demands, raynald refused follow king s orders.

siege of kingdom of jerusalem

full article: battle of hattin; siege of jerusalem

saladin s troops, french manuscript, 1337

this final act of outrage raynald gave saladin opportunity needed take offensive against kingdom, , in 1187 laid siege city of tiberias. raymond advised patience, king guy, acting on advice raynald, marched army horns of hattin outside of tiberias. frankish army, thirsty , demoralized, destroyed in ensuing battle, , city not held again christians until 1229.

king guy , raynald brought saladin s tent, guy offered goblet of water because of great thirst. guy took drink , passed goblet raynald. raynald s having received goblet king guy rather saladin meant saladin not forced offer protection treacherous raynald (it custom if offered drink host, life safe). when raynald accepted drink king guy s hands, saladin told interpreter, king: have given him drink . afterwards, saladin beheaded raynald past betrayals. saladin honored tradition king guy, sent damascus , ransomed people, 1 of few captive crusaders avoid execution.

by end of year, saladin had taken acre , jerusalem. pope urban iii said have collapsed , died upon hearing news of battle of hattin.


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