Evolution and the Roman Catholic Church Social effects of evolutionary theory

the roman catholic church, beginning in 1950 pope pius xii s encyclical humani generis, took neutral position regard evolution. church not forbid that...research , discussions, on part of men experienced in both fields, take place regard doctrine of evolution, in far inquires origin of human body coming pre-existent , living matter. [1]

in october 22, 1996, address pontifical academy of science, pope john paul ii updated church s position, recognizing evolution more hypothesis - in encyclical humani generis, predecessor pius xii has affirmed there no conflict between evolution , doctrine of faith regarding man , vocation... today, more half-century after appearance of encyclical, new findings lead toward recognition of evolution more hypothesis. in fact remarkable theory has had progressively greater influence on spirit of researchers, following series of discoveries in different scholarly disciplines. [2]


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