
Showing posts from August, 2010

Other principal officers Government of Flint, Michigan

1929 charter in 1929, city adopted new city charter council-manager form of government. in 1935, city residents approved charter amendment establishing civil service commission. three-member civil service commission had complete control on personal matters leaving city manager powerless hire , fire. commission powers reduced in 1974 charter. emergency manager

Epidemiology Hospital-acquired infection

1 epidemiology 1.1 belgium 1.2 france 1.3 finland 1.4 italy 1.5 switzerland 1.6 united kingdom 1.7 united states epidemiology the methods used differ country country (definitions used, type of nosocomial infections covered, health units surveyed, inclusion or exclusion of imported infections, etc.), international comparisons of nosocomial infection rates should made utmost care. belgium in belgium prevalence of nosocomial infections 6.2%. annually 125,500 patients become infected nosocomial infection, resulting in 3000 deaths. costs health insurance estimated approximately €400 million/year. france estimates ranged 6.7% in 1990 7.4% (patients may have several infections). @ national level, prevalence among patients in health care facilities 6.7% in 1996, 5.9% in 2001 , 5.0% in 2006. rates nosocomial infections 7.6% in 1996, 6.4% in 2001 , 5.4% in 2006. in 2006, common infection sites urinary tract infections (30,3%), pneumopathy (14,7%), infections of surgery site (14,2%). infections o

Release and reception Capcom Five

1 release , reception 1.1 p.n.03 1.2 viewtiful joe 1.3 dead phoenix 1.4 resident evil 4 1.5 killer7 release , reception p.n.03 p.n.03 science fiction-themed third-person shooter, released in japan on march 27, 2003. game features dexterous protagonist named vanessa z. schneider battles army of maverick robots. game earned name jaguar during development due vanessa s fluid motions , agility. acting director, mikami attempted differentiate devil may cry adding defensive , evasive maneuvers. desire, combined limited development time, led replacement of vanessa s guns energy bolts. upon release, reviewers criticized game s short length , sluggish controls, average score of 63 out of 100 on metacritic. mikami unsatisfied finished product, stating had hoped put lot more time development. p.n.03 game of 5 remained gamecube exclusive. viewtiful joe viewtiful joe 2.5d side-scrolling action-platformer, released on june 26, 2003. title character parody of tokusatsu superheroes , trying save gir

History Shimmer Championship

sara del rey first shimmer champion in 2007. the tournament held on 2 nights on june 1 , june 2, 2007 @ eagles club in berwyn, illinois. first 2 rounds held on first night, semis , final held on second. first , second rounds filmed release on volume 11, while semi-finals , finals filmed next night volume 12. the tournament brackets were: : sarah stock listed international wildcard entry, having never competed in shimmer before. : alicia substituted serena deeb, unable make building in time match due car accident.

Background Sea Tigers

a ltte sea tiger fast attack fiberglass boat passing sri lankan freighter sunken sea tigers north of village of mullaitivu, north-eastern sri lanka as tamil insurgency gained strength, ltte required of supplies smuggled in sea. realized naval component needed complement land-based guerrilla forces. leader of ltte, velupillai prabhakaran, understood necessity of naval force. the sea tigers officially founded in 1984. in first years primary task smuggling personnel , equipment between ltte s bases in tamil nadu , sri lanka, in particular jaffna. sea tiger cadres gained experience, took on offensive operations against sri lankan navy. the leader, admiral , of sea tigers said soosai. strategic implementation , execution of sea tiger military tactics guided leading senior cadre tacticians such lieutenant commander sri ram.

Discography Andy Newmark

with carly simon anticipation (1971) no secrets (1972) hotcakes (1974) playing possum (1975) another passenger (1976) this life (1992) letters never sent (1994) with sly , family stone fresh (epic, 1973) with ronnie wood i ve got own album (1974/warner bros.) the first barbarians: live kilburn (1974 issued in 2007/wooden) now (1975/warner bros.) with david bowie young americans (1975) with gary wright the dream weaver (1975) with george benson in concert-carnegie hall (cti, 1975) good king bad (cti, 1975) benson & farrell joe farrell (cti, 1976) with bob james three (cti, 1976) with patti austin end of rainbow (cti, 1976) with patrick moraz the story of - side 2 (atlantic, 1976) with hank crawford hank crawford s (kudu, 1976) with urbie green the fox (cti, 1976) with lalo schifrin black widow (cti, 1976) with joe walsh you can t argue sick mind (abc, 1976) with mark farner no frills (atlantic, 1978) with john lennon double fantasy (1980) milk , honey (1984) with george harrison dar

Military career Alfredo M. Santos

1 military career 1.1 hero of pockets 1.2 during world war ii 1.3 military career after war 1.4 santos , huk 1.5 crucial campaign, smart decision , sweet victory 1.6 position in seato 1.7 army career management program 1.8 election allied officers hall of fame military career the hero of pockets general santos military career started when appointed probationary third lieutenant on june 8, 1936, after 5 years of civil engineering practice. entered reserve officer service school (ross) @ camp henry t. allen in baguio city, made battalion commander. graduated @ top of class, , twenty years after, honored distinguished alumnus. then captain santos decorated unit commander of 1st regular division in memorable bataan campaign, dubbed commanding general, brigadier general fidel v. segundo, hammer of division when brilliantly outmaneuvered , outsmarted enemy during attempt pocket area. in both attempts, unit broke through gogo-cotar , tuol pockets, earning himself moniker hero of pockets f

Regimen Emerson Combat Systems

emerson demonstrates elbow strike in training a course in emerson combat systems begins various boxing drills. student hit heavy bag while moving 5 minutes. goal exhaust body of oxygen. @ 5-minute mark, student hits heavy bag more aggressively without stopping; body, depleted of oxygen, works off of adrenaline. there, student perform similar drill on mma dummy or heavy bag lying on ground, followed picking , slamming dummy or heavy bag repeatedly 5 minutes in various jiujitsu throws. the coursework contains sparring, both armed , unarmed, various partners give student exposure opponents of various skill , strength levels. new york times bestselling author david morrell underwent training in emerson combat systems research several of books special operations , close quarters combat. author claims emerson best manufacturer of tactical knives top level blade instructor elite military , law-enforcement units . in interview, morrell indicated injured collarbone during training.emerson ha

Datasheets Grid-tie inverter

^, list of eligible inverters archived 2009-02-10 @ wayback machine., accessed july 30, 2009, ^ standard inverters, converters, controllers , interconnection system equipment use distributed energy resources . retrieved 15 april 2017.  ^ ul launches advanced inverter testing , certification program . retrieved 15 april 2017. 

References Taylorcraft Ranch Wagon

bridgman, leonard (1955). jane s world s aircraft 1955–56. new york: mcgraw hill book company.  simpson, r.w. (1991). airlife s general aviation. england: airlife publishing. isbn 1-85310-194-x.  taylor, michael j. h. (1989). jane s encyclopedia of aviation. london: studio editions.  the illustrated encyclopedia of aircraft (part work 1982-1985). orbis publishing. 

Ecoregions Natural history of Minnesota

an ecoregion area uniquely defined environmental conditions , natural features. ecoregions in minnesota largely influenced unique glacial history, geology, soil type, land use, , climate of state. united states environmental protection agency, minnesota department of natural resources, , world wildlife fund maintain separate classifications of state s ecoregions. although different, agree on delineating between coniferous forest in north-central portion , arrowhead, temperate deciduous forest in central , southeast, , tallgrass prairie in southern , western portions of state. northern coniferous forests vast wilderness of pine , spruce trees mixed patchy stands of birch , poplar.

2017 Timeline of LGBT history in Canada

^ guy, chantal (20 january 2017). gabrielle tremblay: la revanche sur le passé . la presse. retrieved 29 january 2017.  ^ toronto pastor brent hawkes found not guilty of sex crimes in nova scotia . cbc news. january 31, 2017. retrieved january 31, 2017.  ^ legisinfo (42nd parliament, 1st session). ^ legisinfo - house government bill c-16 (42-1) ^ tasker, john paul (june 16, 2017). canada enacts protections transgender community . cbc news. retrieved june 16, 2017.  ^ rev. jeff rock lead toronto lgbtq congregation . rdnews now, july 13, 2017.

Establishment Committee of 48

j.a.h. hopkins, former member of democratic national committee , head of short-lived national party, national secretary of committee of 48. the committee of 48 traces roots january 1919, when gathering of individuals interested in public affairs gathered in new york city. assembled decided formal organization should sponsored , decided issue call national conference. name committee of 48 chosen reflection of desire form national organization bringing interested representatives of each of nation s 48 states. the formal call new organization, headlined revolution or reconstruction? call americans, first published on march 22 in 4 prominent liberal publications. appeal targeted americans sought neither revolution nor turn reaction in america , urged formation of new political entity stand apart both proto-communist revolutionary socialist movement , increasing conservatism of 2 old parties of american politics, republicans , democrats. public reaction announcement deemed favorable g

20th century to present Wyandot people

interior of longhouse, near toronto beginning in 1907, archaeological excavations conducted @ jesuit mission site near georgian bay. mission has since been reconstructed sainte-marie among hurons, living museum adjacent martyrs shrine, roman catholic shrine consecrated north american martyrs. a program founded in 1940s address grievances filed various native american tribes allocated $800 million rectify promises broken settlers invaded territories. wyandot settlement based on 1830 indian removal law, required native americans move west of mississippi river. wyandot paid 75 cents per acre land worth $1.50 acre. in february 1985 u.s. government agreed pay descendants of wyandot $5.5 million. decision settled 143-year-old treaty, in 1842 forced tribe sell ohio lands less-than-fair value. spokesman bureau of indian affairs said government pay $1,600 each, in july 1985, 3,600 people in kansas , oklahoma prove wyandot descendants. on august 27, 1999, representatives of far-flung wyandot ba

Unschooling Philosophy of education

unschooling range of educational philosophies , practices centered on allowing children learn through natural life experiences, including child directed play, game play, household responsibilities, work experience, , social interaction, rather through more traditional school curriculum. unschooling encourages exploration of activities led children themselves, facilitated adults. unschooling differs conventional schooling principally in thesis standard curricula , conventional grading methods, other features of traditional schooling, counterproductive goal of maximizing education of each child. john holt in 1964 holt published first book, how children fail, asserting academic failure of schoolchildren not despite efforts of schools, because of schools. not surprisingly, how children fail ignited firestorm of controversy. holt catapulted american national consciousness extent made appearances on major tv talk shows, wrote book reviews life magazine, , guest on tell truth tv game show. in

Electoral history Workers' Party (Brazil)

workers party flag @ brasília. since 1988, workers party has grown in popularity on national stage winning elections in many of largest brazilian cities, such são paulo, fortaleza, belo horizonte, porto alegre, , goiânia, in important states, such rio grande sul, espírito santo, , federal district. winning streak culminated victory of presidential candidate, lula in 2002, succeeded fernando henrique cardoso of brazilian social democracy party (partido da social democracia brasileira – psdb). psdb, defense of economic liberalism, party s main electoral rival, democrats, heir of national renewal alliance party (aliança renovadora nacional – arena), ruling party during military dictatorship. along socialist people s party (partido popular socialista – pps), dissidence of brazilian communist party (partido comunista brasileiro – pcb), form centre-right opposition lula administration. 1989 presidential elections in 1989 general elections, lula surprisingly went second round fernando collo

Avicenna Philosophy of education

date: 980 ad – 1037 ad in medieval islamic world, elementary school known maktab, dates @ least 10th century. madrasahs (which referred higher education), maktab attached mosque. in 11th century, ibn sina (known avicenna in west), wrote chapter dealing maktab entitled role of teacher in training , upbringing of children , guide teachers working @ maktab schools. wrote children can learn better if taught in classes instead of individual tuition private tutors, , gave number of reasons why case, citing value of competition , emulation among pupils usefulness of group discussions , debates. ibn sina described curriculum of maktab school in detail, describing curricula 2 stages of education in maktab school. ibn sina wrote children should sent maktab school age of 6 , taught primary education until reach age of 14. during time, wrote should taught qur an, islamic metaphysics, language, literature, islamic ethics, , manual skills (which refer variety of practical skills). ibn sina refers s

Urban district Municipal Borough of Beddington and Wallington

wallington old town hall, seat of district council 1934 until 1965, , used college the urban district council based @ 37 manor road, former offices of wallington parish council. in 1929 purchased house on woodcote road, wallington, site of new town hall. architect chosen robert atkinson, , building formally opened on 21 september 1934.

Background Townland

1 background 1.1 etymology 1.2 historical land divisions , etymology 1.3 size , value 1.4 historical use 1.5 irish ordnance survey , standardisation 1.6 current use background map showing townlands of thurles civil parish, county tipperary. townlands of thurles typical, being of varying shapes , sizes irregular borders, , forming patchwork on countryside. townlands have mean area of 64 hectares (160 acres). in ireland townland smallest administrative division of land, though few large townlands further divided hundreds. concept of townlands based on gaelic system of land division, , first official evidence of existence of gaelic land division system can found in church records before 12th century, in 1600s began mapped , defined english administration purpose of confiscating land , apportioning english investors or planters. etymology the term townland in english derived old english word tun, denoting enclosure. term describes smallest unit of land division in ireland, based on vario

Further attacks on Constantinople Fourth Crusade

capture of constantinople fourth crusade in 1204 alexios iv realised promises hard keep. alexios iii had managed flee 1,000 pounds of gold , priceless jewels, leaving imperial treasury short on funds. @ point young emperor ordered destruction , melting of valuable byzantine , roman icons in order extract gold , silver, raise 100,000 silver marks. in eyes of greeks knew of decision, shocking sign of desperation , weak leadership, deserved punished god. byzantine historian nicetas choniates characterized turning point towards decline of roman state . forcing populace destroy icons @ behest of army of foreign schismatics did not endear alexios iv citizens of constantinople. in fear of life, co-emperor asked crusaders renew contract 6 months, end april 1204. alexios iv led 6,000 men crusader army against rival alexios iii in adrianople. during co-emperor s absence in august, rioting broke out in city , number of latin residents killed. in retaliation armed venetians , other crusaders ente

Steel City .281859.E2.80.931946.29 History of Pittsburgh

1 steel city (1859–1946) 1.1 scots irish leadership 1.2 technology 1.3 geography of industrialization 1.4 germans 1.5 labor unions 1.6 carnegie steel city (1859–1946) the iron , steel industry developed rapidly after 1830 , became 1 of dominant factors in industrial america 1860s. scots irish leadership ingham (1978) examined leadership of industry in important center, pittsburgh, smaller cities. concludes leadership of iron , steel industry nationwide largely scotch irish . ingham finds scotch irish held cohesively throughout 19th century , developed own sense of uniqueness. indeed, new immigrants after 1800 made pittsburgh major scotch irish stronghold. example, thomas mellon (b. ulster 1813–1908) left ireland in 1823 , became founder of famous mellon family, played central role in banking , industries such aluminum , oil. barnhisel (2005) finds, industrialists james h. laughlin (b. ulster 1806–1882) of jones , laughlin steel company comprised scots-irish presbyterian ruling strat

Transport Witten

tram in witten-heven witten connected autobahn network 43 , 44 motorways. has central station, connecting city regional-train-network of deutsche bahn direct connections hagen, bochum, essen, siegen, wuppertal, düsseldorf, aachen or dortmund. local service carried out bogestra, joint venture between cities of bochum , gelsenkirchen, of bus lines in witten belong. there tram line connecting bochum. public transport in city carried out according fare system of vrr transport association.

United States General election

in u.s. politics, general elections elections held @ level (e.g. city, county, congressional district, state) involve competition between @ least 2 parties. general elections occur every 2 6 years (depending on positions being filled positions 4 years) , include presidential election, unlike parliamentary systems term can refer special elections fill out positions prematurely vacated previous office holder (e.g. through death, resignation, etc.). parallels can drawn between general election in parliamentary systems , biennial elections determining house seats, although there no analogue calling elections in u.s., , members of elected u.s. senate face elections of one-third @ time @ two-year intervals including during general election. unlike parliamentary systems term distinguished by-elections, general election in used in reference , distinguished primaries or caucuses, intra-party elections meant select party s official candidate particular race. in state of louisiana expression ge

United Kingdom General election

the term general election in united kingdom refers elections held on same day in constituencies of members of parliament (mps) house of commons. under terms of fixed-term parliaments act 2011, period between 1 general election , next fixed @ 5 years, unless commons passes motion of no confidence in government sooner that, or if house of commons, support of @ least 2 thirds of members, resolves general election should take place sooner. the term may used refer elections democratically elected body in of members election. section 2 of scotland act 1998, example, refers ordinary elections scottish parliament general elections. originally, british elections took place on period of several weeks, individual constituencies holding polling on separate days. parliament act 1911 introduced requirement elections in parliamentary constituencies held on same day. there has been convention since 1930s general elections in britain should take place on thursday; last general election take place on ot

Mating Hornet moth

copulation of sesia apiformis. female(above) larger male(bottom) , differing number of strises apparent. mate searching female s. apiformis use specialized posterior glands emit sex pheromones in order attract potential mates. when female ready mate, after emerging pupae, raises abdomen , releases pheromones several minutes @ time. effectiveness of calling crucial mating moths have short lifespan in mate , reproduce. female-male interaction the male s. apiformis not appear exhibit courtship behavior; male , female come contact begin mating. after female has mated 1 male, not wait mate again. each female mates several times before laying eggs. males not appear show preference virgin females begin trying mate female after has finished mating. copulation performed on trunk of tree female positioned above male.

Critical reception Bleeding Love

critics noted similarities between lewis s vocals , of mariah carey bleeding love received critical acclaim music critics. showbiz spy described song emotionally fuelled , , opined, track showcases leona s impressive vocal prowess , moment opens mouth instantly reminded amazing voice, capable of heart stopping intensity , playful light touch . digital spy s review of song gave 4 stars out of five, saying best single released x factor star , , describing brilliantly smart pop record, managing offer lovelorn balladry lewis s x factor fans no doubt craving, while suggesting hint of street cred in form of beefy, vaguely modish beats . came second in digital spy s top 20 singles of 2007 announced on 31 december. however, bbc america s reviewer expressed inventive percussion can t stop bleeding love sounding dated, filler on long-lost, late 90s mariah carey album. s 1 of mid-tempo numbers – slow club, fast foxtrot. actually, marching band drum beat, sounds gwen stefani s hollaback

Promotion Bleeding Love

lewis performing bleeding love on labyrinth tour in 2010. the song s first radio play on bbc radio 1 chart show on 16 september 2007, , followed online exclusive streaming celebrity blogger perez hilton. reported on 1.5 million people listened song online. song scott mills s record of week monday 24 september friday 28 september. lewis went on two-day regional uk radio tour promote single , album on 11 , 12 october 2007. followed appearance on morning on 15 october. lewis performed song live on fourth series of x factor on 20 october 2007, , made appearances on several other tv , radio shows such t4, gmtv , loose women. lewis performed song @ festival della canzone italiana on 29 february 2008, , on german entertainment show wetten, dass..? on 1 march 2008. lewis made television debut on oprah winfrey show, on 17 march 2008, sang bleeding love . has performed on morning america on 4 april 2008, live regis , kelly on 8 april 2008, jimmy kimmel live!, ellen degeneres show on 11 april

Bisca Briscola

in portugal, briscola game called bisca , played modern anglo-french 52-card deck. 8, 9 , 10 cards must removed deck, though, in order obtain 40 cards needed play. kings equal italian-deck kings, jacks equal knights, , queens equal knaves (to know reason why jack ranks higher queen, see latin-suited cards in portugal). 7 (called bisca or manilha), , not three, ranks above face cards. thus:

Later years Julius Wagner-Jauregg

wagner-jauregg (center right in black jacket) watching transfusion malaria patient (rear of group) neurosyphilis victim (center) in 1934 the main work pursued wagner-jauregg throughout life related treatment of mental disease inducing fever, approach known pyrotherapy. in 1887 investigated effects of febrile diseases on psychoses, making use of erisipela , tuberculin (discovered in 1890 robert koch). since these methods of treatment did not work well, tried in 1917 inoculation of malaria parasites, proved successful in case of dementia paralytica (also called general paresis of insane), caused neurosyphilis, @ time terminal disease. had been observed develop high fevers cured of syphilis. thus, 1917 mid 1940s, malaria induced least aggressive parasite, plasmodium vivax, used treatment tertiary syphilis because produced prolonged , high fevers (a form of pyrotherapy). considered acceptable risk because malaria later treated quinine, available @ time. discovery earned him nobel prize in

Duchess of Orléans Margravine Auguste of Baden-Baden

portrait identified auguste duchess of orléans unknown artist (possibly pierre gobert) her mother preferred french match strengthen ties powerful neighbour prior auguste s birth, had ravaged baden-baden. auguste preferred german match due roots. auguste, gave mother , agreed match louis d orléans , there proxy ceremony held @ schloss rastatt before married on 13 july 1724 louis d orléans, grandson of louis xiv of france. chosen for, among other reasons, family s catholicism, brought comparatively small dowry of 80,000 livres orléans. at court of versailles, known alternatively jeanne or auguste de bade, latter signed. marriage first prince of blood allowed use style of madame la princesse, , made 1 of important ladies @ court of young louis xv of france. @ time of marriage, young king louis engaged first cousin infanta mariana victoria of spain. couple never married , in 1725 sent spain making auguste , mother in law dowager duchess of orléans senior women @ court. popular court , no

Lineage 97th Airlift Squadron

1 lineage 1.1 assignments 1.2 stations 1.3 aircraft lineage constituted 97th troop carrier squadron on 25 may 1943 activated on 1 july 1943 inactivated on 18 october 1945 activated in reserve on 15 september 1947 redesignated 97th troop carrier squadron, medium on 27 june 1949 ordered active duty on 1 may 1951 inactivated on 4 may 1951 redesignated 97th fighter-bomber squadron on 26 may 1952 activated in reserve on 15 june 1952 inactivated on 1 july 1957 redesignated 97th troop carrier squadron, medium on 24 october 1957 activated in reserve on 16 november 1957 ordered active duty on 28 october 1962 relieved active duty on 28 november 1962 redesignated 97th air transport squadron, heavy on 1 december 1965 redesignated 97th military airlift squadron on 1 january 1966 ordered active duty on 26 january 1968 relieved active duty on 2 june 1969 redesignated 97th military airlift squadron (associate) on 25 july 1969 redesignated 97th airlift squadron (associate) on 1 february 1992 redesignat

History Byfleet & New Haw railway station

down stopping train passing west weybridge station in 1953 the station called west weybridge , changed present name in june 1962. it on section of railway forms part of south western main line s original form, london , southampton railway, built in stages. first stage opened in may 1838 , joined london terminus in 9 elms woking common, woking. byfleet , new haw station in close proximity historical brooklands racetrack , aerodrome, date 1907. racetrack hosted 1927 british grand prix few months after station opened. video - steam trains @ west weybridge in 1946

History and influences Myanmar architecture

1 history , influences 1.1 indian influence 1.2 bagan period 1.3 colonial era history , influences early indian influence the bawbawgyi pagoda pyu-style stupa in sri ksetra, myanmar. during pyu period, architecture favored stupas built in cylindrical form 4 toranas hti (umbrella) on top. of myanmar architecture tied ancient indian culture , can first traced country s earliest known inhabitants. mon , pyu people first 2 influential groups migrated myanmar , first indo-chinese practice theravada buddhism. beikthano, 1 of first centers of pyu, contained various foundations suggesting urban centers include monastery , various stupa-like structures. these pyu-style stupas first indian-like foundations in myanmar, having been built 200 bc 100 ce , served burial places. stupas, other temples , pagodas throughout history, topped htis (burmese umbrella ) , finials or spires represent theravada buddhist transcendence. the bagan period by 9th century, bamar people had established kingdom centere

Format Thailand's Got Talent (season 1)

1 format 1.1 broadcast 1.2 pre-casting 1.3 audition 1.4 semi-final format broadcast audition 5 weeks. round 6 weeks. the final 2 weeks. the display cut or not broadcast released via web. site in name. in thailand gods of morgan lane west (thailand s got more talent), original england. pre-casting north on nov 26-28 @ lotus hotel pang suan kaew, chiang mai. northeast on dec 3-5 @ charoen thani princess in khon kaen. central , eastern on dec 10-12 @ bangkok convention centre @ central plaza lat phrao, bangkok. south on dec 24-26 @ international conference centre. national celebrations every 60 years, hat yai, songkhla. audition in january 2011, @ theater aksara king power complex , work point studio 6 days broadcast on sunday march 6 april 3, 2011, 5 @ cycle cycle aired on television in many ways. countries not have opponent round round of auditions 321 participants must show ability express within 2–4 minutes, shall have right stop. display. if 1 third of people when buzzer stop immedia

Modern research Binding of Isaac

1 modern research 1.1 redactors , narrative purpose 1.2 ethical responsibility 1.3 possible child sacrifice modern research redactors , narrative purpose modern scholars operating under framework of documentary hypothesis commonly ascribe binding s narrative biblical source e, on grounds uses specific term elohim (אלוהים) , parallels characteristic e compositions. on view, second angelic appearance abraham (v. 14–18), praising obedience , blessing offspring, in fact later jahwist interpolation e’s original account (v. 1–13, 19). supported style , composition of these verses, use of name yahweh deity. in mimesis: representation of reality in western literature, literary critic erich auerbach considers hebrew narrative of binding of isaac, along homer s description of odysseus s scar, 2 paradigmatic models representation of reality in literature. auerbach contrasts homer s attention detail , foregrounding of spatial, historical, personal contexts events bible s sparse account, in virtual

Awards and Mentions Carmen Novoa

^ gonzalez, nepo w (20 july 1998). consulado general de colombia entrega premios del concurso de cuentos y poesia . el espanol (newspaper). retrieved 20 january 2016.  ^ victor, franco (19 october 2001). spanish club inc acknowledgement letter . official letter (letter head signed). retrieved 20 january 2016.  ^ gonzalez, nepo w (2006). palabras entrego premios . el espanol (newspaper). retrieved 20 january 2016.  ^ gonzalez, nepo w (24 september 2013). jaulas doradas yakarta 2012 . el espanol (newspaper). retrieved 20 january 2016. 

Season overview 2013–14 FC Barcelona season

1 season overview 1.1 june 1.2 july 1.3 august 1.4 september 1.5 october 1.6 november 1.7 december 1.8 january 1.9 february 1.10 march 1.11 april 1.12 may season overview june on 3 june, brazilian neymar officially presented barcelona player more 50,000 fans @ camp nou. neymar s transfer santos reported set @ €2.1 million. joined squad after 2013 fifa confederations cup in brazil. on 20 june, after spending previous season on loan mallorca, officially announced andreu fontàs joining celta de vigo sum of €1 million. barça retain buy-back clause in addition player s rights in future transfer. while @ celta, fontàs reunited former barcelona b coach luis enrique, whom managed between 2008 , 2010. on 28 june, announced santos participate in 2013 edition of joan gamper trophy on 2 august @ camp nou. santos participation agreed upon barça signing neymar. july on 6 july, bojan officially loaned ajax option second year loan spell. bojan explained conversations johan cruyff had influenced decis