History and influences Myanmar architecture

1 history , influences

1.1 indian influence
1.2 bagan period
1.3 colonial era

history , influences
early indian influence

the bawbawgyi pagoda pyu-style stupa in sri ksetra, myanmar.

during pyu period, architecture favored stupas built in cylindrical form 4 toranas hti (umbrella) on top. of myanmar architecture tied ancient indian culture , can first traced country s earliest known inhabitants. mon , pyu people first 2 influential groups migrated myanmar , first indo-chinese practice theravada buddhism. beikthano, 1 of first centers of pyu, contained various foundations suggesting urban centers include monastery , various stupa-like structures. these pyu-style stupas first indian-like foundations in myanmar, having been built 200 bc 100 ce , served burial places. stupas, other temples , pagodas throughout history, topped htis (burmese umbrella ) , finials or spires represent theravada buddhist transcendence.

the bagan period

by 9th century, bamar people had established kingdom centered @ bagan (pagan). in 11th century, king anawrahta unified irrawaddy valley , periphery, , founded pagan empire (bagan empire). mid-12th century, bagan on 10,000 of myanmar s red brick stupas , pagodas had become established center buddhist architecture. during time pyu-style stupas transformed monuments favored alms bowl or gourd-shaped domes, unbaked brick, tapered , rising roofs, buddha niches, polylobed arches, , ornamental doorways show influence india s pala empire , monuments. stucco work used skill within bagan, mon people. prominent stucco features within bagan structures include garlands, flames or rays of sun, peacock tail-feathers , mythical creatures.

the dhammayazika pagoda has plan similar tantric paharpur stupa in india, though not sport square base many bagan stupas, instead has pentagonal base radial halls , low skirting walls within levels.

the ananda temple (finished in 1090 ce) 1 of first temples erected in bagan, obvious influences indian-style architecture. temple vaulted throughout , represents theravada branch of buddhism official religion of bagan during time constructed. architectural features of temple include brick vaulted halls, buddha statues, tapered roofs, , absences of traditional terraces. ananda represents 1 of first, long historical uses of pyatthat, or tiered roofs indicate presence of throne. carrying both royal , religious meaning, many of temples images depict buddha seated before odd number of pyatthat tiers.

today, of bagan s historical monuments remain preserved due arid climate , remain 1 of important pilgrimage sites in myanmar, place 1 of largest concentration of temples in world. paintings , murals within many temples can still seen today notable architectural sites within bagan include bupaya pagoda, dhammayangyi temple, gawdawpalin temple, htilominlo temple, inn-hpaya stupa, mahabodhi temple, mingalazedi pagoda, minochantha stupa group, taung kyaung monastery, nathlaung kyaung temple, nga-kywe-na-daung stupa, pahto thamya temple, shwegugyi temple, shwezigon pagoda, sulamani temple, , thatbyinnyu temple.

colonial era

by end of 1880s, burma became part of british empire, bringing period of colonial architecture. rangoon, known yangon, became multi-ethnic colonial capital. large colonial buildings erected throughout city, social disruption in burma resulted in nationalist rallies , anti-colonial protests.

the central business district of yangon, along yangon river, contains many colonial-era buildings, including ministers building, built secretariat building in 1902 house british administration. other structures downtown city hall, bogyoke market (formerly scott market), , strand hotel built in 1896 aviet , tigran sarkie.

prominent structures include yangon city hall, built between 1926 , 1936, customs house, high court building, constructed in 1914 , converted high court head office in 1962, inland water transport authority building of 1920, , former myanmar railways headquarters.


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