Establishment Committee of 48

j.a.h. hopkins, former member of democratic national committee , head of short-lived national party, national secretary of committee of 48.

the committee of 48 traces roots january 1919, when gathering of individuals interested in public affairs gathered in new york city. assembled decided formal organization should sponsored , decided issue call national conference. name committee of 48 chosen reflection of desire form national organization bringing interested representatives of each of nation s 48 states.

the formal call new organization, headlined revolution or reconstruction? call americans, first published on march 22 in 4 prominent liberal publications. appeal targeted americans sought neither revolution nor turn reaction in america , urged formation of new political entity stand apart both proto-communist revolutionary socialist movement , increasing conservatism of 2 old parties of american politics, republicans , democrats. public reaction announcement deemed favorable group s organizers.

the first published call establish organization read in part:

despite america s splendid success in war waged against foreign autocracy, our country menaced growing power of autocratic , reactionary minority @ home. stand in danger of losing many of liberties , advances won in course of our national development....

centralization , autocracy increasing rapidly in organization of governments, in control of credit, , in determination of public opinion. classes labors in factory , field basis of our economic power, find no effective political medium through express economic demand...

purpose of committee of forty-eight summon parts of country leaders of liberal thought , of forward-looking citizens, meet in conference. hope out of assemblage of scattered forces of americanism come flexible statement of principles , methods permit effective cooperation organized labor , agricultural workers in tasks of social reconstruction.

planning on entering political fray long haul, committee of 48 opened headquarters office @ 15 e 40th street in new york city in june 1919, j.a.h. hopkins of morristown, new jersey, former chairman of national executive committee of national party, in role of chairman. more nebulous general committee of organization included number of marquee names of american mainstream liberal movement, including historian , philosopher durant, attorney dudley field malone, pacifist minister john haynes holmes, , writer , academic robert morss lovett, among others.

to gauge public interest in efforts, committee of 48 circulated 30,000 copies of survey progressives around nation inquiring views on need new political party , polling them on should lead such political ticket. 21,000 surveys returned organization, loudly voicing approval of new organization challenge dominant republican , democratic parties , endorsing candidacy of wisconsin senator la follette preferred nominee president.

on september 22, 1919, organizing committee pegged st. louis, missouri location @ founding conference held , slated december 9 12 dates event. 300,000 copies of pamphlet entitled call national conference distributed in preparation event.


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