Later years Julius Wagner-Jauregg

wagner-jauregg (center right in black jacket) watching transfusion malaria patient (rear of group) neurosyphilis victim (center) in 1934

the main work pursued wagner-jauregg throughout life related treatment of mental disease inducing fever, approach known pyrotherapy. in 1887 investigated effects of febrile diseases on psychoses, making use of erisipela , tuberculin (discovered in 1890 robert koch). since these methods of treatment did not work well, tried in 1917 inoculation of malaria parasites, proved successful in case of dementia paralytica (also called general paresis of insane), caused neurosyphilis, @ time terminal disease. had been observed develop high fevers cured of syphilis. thus, 1917 mid 1940s, malaria induced least aggressive parasite, plasmodium vivax, used treatment tertiary syphilis because produced prolonged , high fevers (a form of pyrotherapy). considered acceptable risk because malaria later treated quinine, available @ time. discovery earned him nobel prize in medicine in 1927. main publication book titled verhütung und behandlung der progressiven paralyse durch impfmalaria (prevention , treatment of progressive paralysis malaria inoculation) in memorial volume of handbuch der experimentellen therapie, (1931). technique known malariotherapy; however, dangerous, killing 15% of patients, no longer in use.

sex treatment psychosis

wagner-jauregg administered thyroid , ovarian preparations young psychotic patients had experienced delayed puberty, led development of secondary sexual characteristics , diminished psychosis. other patients deemed schizophrenic because of excessive masturbation, wagner-jauregg sterilized them, resulting in improved condition.


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