Further attacks on Constantinople Fourth Crusade

capture of constantinople fourth crusade in 1204

alexios iv realised promises hard keep. alexios iii had managed flee 1,000 pounds of gold , priceless jewels, leaving imperial treasury short on funds. @ point young emperor ordered destruction , melting of valuable byzantine , roman icons in order extract gold , silver, raise 100,000 silver marks. in eyes of greeks knew of decision, shocking sign of desperation , weak leadership, deserved punished god. byzantine historian nicetas choniates characterized turning point towards decline of roman state .

forcing populace destroy icons @ behest of army of foreign schismatics did not endear alexios iv citizens of constantinople. in fear of life, co-emperor asked crusaders renew contract 6 months, end april 1204. alexios iv led 6,000 men crusader army against rival alexios iii in adrianople. during co-emperor s absence in august, rioting broke out in city , number of latin residents killed. in retaliation armed venetians , other crusaders entered city golden horn , attacked mosque (constantinople @ time had sizable muslim population), defended muslim , byzantine residents. in order cover retreat westerners instigated great fire , burnt 19 21 august, destroying large part of constantinople , leaving estimated 100,000 homeless.

in january 1204, blinded , incapacitated isaac ii died, of natural causes. opposition son , co-emperor alexios iv had grown during preceding months of tension , spasmodic violence in , around constantinople. byzantine senate elected young noble nicolas canabus emperor, in 1 of last known acts of ancient institution. declined appointment , sought church sanctuary.

a nobleman alexios doukas (nicknamed mourtzouphlos) became leader of anti-crusader faction within byzantine leadership. while holding court rank of protovestilarios, doukas had led byzantine forces during initial clashes crusaders, winning respect both military , populace. accordingly well-placed move against increasingly isolated alexios iv, whom overthrew, imprisoned, , had strangled in february. doukas crowned emperor alexios v. moved have city fortifications strengthened , summoned additional forces city.

the crusaders , venetians, incensed @ murder of supposed patron, demanded mourtzouphlos honour contract alexios iv had promised. when byzantine emperor refused, crusaders assaulted city once again. on 8 april alexios v s army put strong resistance, did discourage crusaders. byzantines hurled large projectiles onto enemy siege engines, shattering many of them. bad weather conditions serious hindrance crusaders. fierce wind blew shore , prevented of ships drawing close enough walls launch assault. 5 of wall s towers engaged , none of these secured; mid-afternoon evident attack had failed.

the latin clergy discussed situation amongst , settled upon message wished spread through demoralised army. had convince men events of 9 april not god s judgment on sinful enterprise: campaign, argued, righteous , proper belief succeed. concept of god testing determination of crusaders through temporary setbacks familiar means clergy explain failure in course of campaign. clergy s message designed reassure , encourage crusaders. argument attack on constantinople spiritual revolved around 2 themes. first, greeks traitors , murderers since had killed rightful lord, alexios iv. churchmen used inflammatory language , claimed greeks worse jews , , invoked authority of god , pope take action.

although innocent iii had again demanded not attack, papal letter suppressed clergy, , crusaders prepared own attack, while venetians attacked sea. alexios v s army stayed in city fight, along imperial bodyguard, varangians, alexios v himself fled during night. attempt made find further replacement emperor amongst byzantine nobility, situation had become chaotic either of 2 candidates came forward find sufficient support.


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