
Showing posts from February, 2010

Jacksonville Jaguars Derek Cox

2009 jacksonville jaguars. in first nfl game, cox intercepted peyton manning pass intended reggie wayne , recovered fumble. cox finished rookie season 58 tackles , 4 interceptions. cox missed first 2 games of 2012 season due injury , returned in week 3 face indianapolis colts. cox finished 2012 campaign career best 60 tackles; had 1 ff , 4 interceptions.

Race history Kohler Grand Prix

1 race history 1.1 race revival 1.2 first wins 1.3 unser jinx race history the first major open wheel racing @ road america usac/scca formula 5000 (scca continental championship) race held 1974-1976. the cart indy car series first visited road america in 1982. road america 1 of several road , street races added series during 1980s. race became popular event, owing challenging, competitive, , picturesque nature of course. along milwaukee, cart series many years featured 2 stops annually in state of wisconsin. since added schedule, road america has been longest track utilized on indy car circuit. @ 4.048 miles (6.515 km), fuel mileage has been deciding factor in many races. on more 1 occasion, competitors have run out of fuel within sight of victory, leading surprise winners. in years, rain has been factor, again adding difficult challenge experienced drivers. throughout entire history part of cart calendar, race scheduled either august or september, late in cart indy car season. race of

Culture Bisbee, North Dakota

bisbee featured in september 10, 2001 edition of newsweek, discussing slow, painful decline of town since (at time) mayor, bob weltin, preparing forsake left of town , seek better life elsewhere. things bisbee had lost on years, according newsweek article, included movies @ pettsinger s theater, root-beer floats @ brannon s drug , soda fountain, , groceries @ dick s red owl. @ time of article, there wasn t doctor, lawyer, plumber or priest in bisbee anymore. population had dropped more 30 percent in decade. @ time of article, there 227 hearty souls hanging on dear life in bisbee.

Economic policies soon after independence Economy of Zambia

gdp per capita (current), compared neighbouring countries (world average = 100) the british south africa company (bsac, set british imperialist cecil rhodes) retained commercial assets , mineral rights acquired concession signed litunga of barotseland in 1892 (the lochner concession). threatening expropriate bsac, on eve of independence, did incoming zambian government manage bsac relinquish mineral rights. federation s government assigned roles each of 3 territories: southern rhodesia assigned responsibility of providing managerial , administrative skills; northern rhodesia provided copper revenues; , nyasaland provided black labour. after independence, zambia instituted program of national development plans, under direction of national commission development planning: transitional development plan (1964–66) followed first national development plan (1966–71). these 2 plans, provided major investment in infrastructure , manufacturing, largely implemented , successful. not true subseque

Legacy Mikhail Bulgakov

1 legacy 1.1 exhibitions , museums 1.1.1 mikhail bulgakov museum, kiev 1.1.2 bulgakov museums in moscow bulgakov house museum m.a. bulgakov 1.2 other places named after him 1.3 works inspired him 1.3.1 literature 1.3.2 music 1.3.3 film legacy exhibitions , museums several displays @ 1 street museum dedicated bulgakov s family. among items presented in museum original photos of mikhail bulgakov, books , personal belongings, , window frame house lived. museum keeps scientific works of prof. afanasiy bulgakov, mikhail s father. mikhail bulgakov museum, kiev the mikhail bulgakov museum (bulgakov house) in kiev has been converted literary museum rooms devoted writer, works. family home, model house of turbin family in play the bulgakov museums in moscow in moscow, 2 museums honor memory of mikhail bulgakov , master , margarita. both situated in bulgakov s old apartment building on bolshaya sadovaya street nr. 10, in parts of master , margarita set. since 1980s, building has

Sexual fluidity Heterosexuality

often, sexual orientation , sexual orientation identity not distinguished, can impact accurately assessing sexual identity , whether or not sexual orientation able change; sexual orientation identity can change throughout individual s life, , may or may not align biological sex, sexual behavior or actual sexual orientation. while centre addiction , mental health , american psychiatric association state sexual orientation innate, continuous or fixed throughout lives people, fluid or changes on time others, american psychological association distinguishes between sexual orientation (an innate attraction) , sexual orientation identity (which may change @ point in person s life). a 2012 study found 2% of sample of 2,560 adult participants reported change of sexual orientation identity after 10-year period. men, change occurred in 0.78% of had identified heterosexual, 9.52% of homosexuals, , 47% of bisexuals. women, change occurred in 1.36% of heterosexuals, 63.6% of lesbians, , 64.7% of bi

References Lord's tube station

bibliography connor, j.e. (1999). london s disused underground stations. capital transport. isbn 1-85414-250-x.  horne, mike (2001). bakerloo line: illustrated history. harrow: capital transport. pp. 46–8. isbn 978-1-85414-248-1.  rose, douglas (1999). london underground, diagrammatic history. douglas rose/capital transport. isbn 1-85414-219-4. 

1950s California Baptist University

cbu james complex soon, college outgrew facilities, and, in 1955, moved campus rural city of riverside. the college moved more spacious 75.6 acre campus had constructed buildings used offices, classrooms, , living areas. known annie gabriel library, first built in 1921. in 1927, original administration building constructed whereas w.e. james building built in 1934. building houses ceramics studio , boiler constructed in 1938. in 1958, college named second president, dr. lloyd simmons.

Style and technique George Simon (artist and archaeologist)

simon , bimichi paintings (2009): (left right) simon painting bimichi i; simon working on bimichi ii. simon paints acrylics on canvas, twill fabric, or paper. builds contrasts , depth paintings applying thin layers of acrylic, 1 on top of other, gently , tediously . in late 1990s started experiment use of gesso in order create texture , three-dimensional patterns of relief in paintings. conceptually, simon deploys intuitive approach paintings. begins deciding on dominant colour work, throw[ing] paint haphazardly @ canvas, , responding imagery [that] comes . in 1994/5 simon explained: have great faith in subconscious. let paint remain on canvas , @ , gradually images come out , develop images . according simon, archaeological work had profound effect on artistic style. research prehistoric art in south america , latin america encouraged him inwards , become more confident in using [his] own private language , in explorations of amerindian culture , mythologies.

Origins Callander and Oban Railway

system map of callander , oban railway the scottish central railway , caledonian railway were, many others, incorporated act of parliament on 1 july 1845. @ stage 2 companies collaborating, intention of connecting perth carlisle, , beyond emerging english railway network; scottish central had immediate plans allied companies reach aberdeen, , there on talk of reaching north-west highland area. in 1846 dunblane, doune , callander railway proposed ten-mile (16 km) line along valley of river teith. false start, second attempt authorised on 21 july 1856. line opened on 1 july 1858. callander western extremity of lowland terrain: beyond lay wild highland hills. promoters considered whether callander make starting location line penetrating highlands, , reaching western sea @ oban 71 miles (114 km) away, relatively few settlements in between. decided in november 1864 line should built, , called callander , oban railway. from oban crianlarich route clear; there river clyde left route open; had

Design and patent Rotary jail

cover sheet patent application. the application united states patent no. 244,358, on july 12, 1881 has description: the object of our inventions produce jail in prisoners can controlled without necessity of personal contact between them , jailer or guard... consists, first, of circular cell structure of considerable size (inside usual prison building) divided several cells capable of being rotated, surrounded grating in close proximity thereto, has such number of openings (usually one) necessary convenient handling of prisoners.

Plot Tormented (2011 film)

in japan, kiriko (hikari mitsushima) , younger half-brother daigo (takeru shibuya) live father kohei (teruyuki kagawa) book illustrator. 1 day daigo inexplicably beats rabbit death outside school , subsequently stops attending classes. kiriko becomes worried daigo s behaviour while father ignores problem caught in latest job: pop-up book little mermaid. later, kiriko takes daigo watch 3-d horror film shock labyrinth involving rabbit doll appears float out of screen , daigo s hands. daigo takes home. night large version of doll pulls him through cupboard fairground. next night daigo pulled rabbit through mattress of bed. kiriko follows him time , group goes abandoned hospital. later, kiriko tells father kyoko coming. saw her. daigo too. kiriko recalls when younger , kohei brought home pregnant second wife, kyoko. kiriko attacked kyoko , kiriko , daigo seem believe kyoko has come haunt them in rabbit costume , determined destroy doll.

Notes Miss Universe 2013

1 notes 1.1 debuts 1.2 returns 1.3 designations 1.4 replacements 1.5 withdrawals notes debuts  azerbaijan returns designations  austria – doris hofmann appointed represent austria, 1st runner-up @ miss austria 2013 pageant.  azerbaijan – aysel manafova appointed represent azerbaijan aras agalarov, 1 of main organizers of pageant, miss azerbaijan 2012.  denmark – cecilia iftikhar appointed represent denmark lene memborg, national director of miss universe in denmark. cecilia miss earth denmark 2011.  france – hinarani de longeaux appointed represent france, 1st runner-up @ miss france 2013 pageant.  germany – anne-julia hagen appointed miss universe germany 2013 after casting call took place. miss germany 2010.  greece – anastasia sidiropoulou appointed miss universe greece 2013 vassilis prevelakis, national director of miss universe in greece. anastasia miss young 2010 (miss teen greece).  kazakhstan – aygerim kozhakanova appointed represent kazakhstan, contestant @ miss kazakhst

Industrial engines List of GM engines

detroit diesel series 92 engines gm diesels stem acquisition of winton engine corporation in 1930. winton based in cleveland, , initial production continued in city. these mid-sized engines. main customer of winton electro motive corporation, pioneering producer of diesel-electric locomotives. gm acquired electro motive @ same time winton. these 2 companies merged become electro motive division (emd) of gm in 1941, responsible locomotive production , engine design. further division, cleveland diesel engine division, responsible submarine, marine , stationary versions of emd engines. finally, in 1937 gm set third diesel division in detroit, detroit diesel engine division. electro motive division responsible mid- , large-displacement engines (over 150 cubic inches per cylinder) while detroit diesel division responsible small-displacement engines (50 through 149 cubic inches displacement). canadian market served single company, general motors diesel, produced versions of emd , detroit eng

Profile Hansa Records

the original 7 inch label of 1 of best selling hansa records singles, boney m. s rivers of babylon . the label s successful act commercially west german-based band boney m. million-selling hits rivers of babylon , brown girl in ring , mary s boy child - oh lord . david bowie mastered low , recorded heroes @ studio in west berlin. after decline in sales both domestically , internationally in mid 80s, hansa purchased bertelsmann music group, merged them several other labels ariola records form bmg berlin musik gmbh/bmg-ariola, later become part of international conglomerate sony music entertainment.

The Battle of the Metaurus Gaius Claudius Nero

1 battle of metaurus 1.1 overview 1.2 events 1.3 significance of battle 1.4 claudius role 1.5 aftermath the battle of metaurus the battle of metaurus, 207 bc. overview the battle of metaurus significant battle in not life of claudius, during second punic war. fought near metauro river, in northern italy. in 210 bc new roman army sent spain under command of scipio younger. came realisation war in spain needed involve striking directly @ carthage instead of attempting win on spanish tribesmen. 2 years later, in 208 bc, scipio faced hasdrubal near town of baecula; causing retreat, war turning in rome’s favour. however, in battle hannibal, 2 consuls killed. 1 of them marcellus, popular general , competent soldier, significant blow rome. nevertheless, in 207 bc battle of metaurus marked turning point in second punic war momentous roman victory. events polybius gives detailed description of events of battle, particularly death of hasdrubal , strategy used claudius seize overall victory. has

The Corrie Cup Corrie Coursing Meeting

^ glasgow herald 20 dec 1869 ^ glasgow herald 20 dec 1869 ^ york herald 20 dec 1873 ^ glasgow herald 26 feb 1875 ^ newcastle courant 8 dec 1876 ^ newcastle courant 7 dec 1877 ^ newcastle courant 6 dec 1878 ^ newcastle courant 2 mar 1883 ^ birmingham daily post 6 dec 1888 ^ standard 5 dec 1889

The ceremony begins Coronation of the Russian monarch

alexander iii receiving sceptre during coronation in 1883 the ceremony commenced singing of 101st psalm, tsar invited recite nicene creed according eastern orthodox usage, without filioque clause. tsar given book containing prayer him read, following prelate pronounced blessing upon him. further hymns sung, , 3 scripture lessons read: isaiah 49:13-19, romans 13:1-7 , matthew 22:15-22. the tsar removed chain of order of st. andrew, , robed in purple metropolitans of st. petersburg , kiev. bowing head, had hands laid upon him chief celebrant, read 2 prayers on him. these 2 prayers originated in, , identical with, found in byzantine coronation ritual. in first of these prayers presiding metropolitan prayed: o lord our god, king of kings , lord of lords, through samuel prophet didst choose thy servant david , didst anoint him king on thy people israel; hear supplication of though unworthy, , forth thy holy dwelling place , vouchsafe anoint oil of gladness thy faithful servant n., whom tho

Bibliography Jennifer Compton

1 bibliography 1.1 plays 1.2 poetry 1.2.1 collections 1.2.2 list of poems bibliography plays morris, meaghan, ed. (1976). jennifer compton s play crossfire (no man s land) : role of women in australian society, historical comment on women s suffrage, status , politics of motherhood. sydney: currency press.  poetry collections compton, jennifer (1993). other woman. wollongong, nsw: 5 islands press , scarp productions.  list of poems

1980s Timeline of LGBT history in Canada

1 1980s 1.1 1980 1.2 1981 1.3 1982 1.4 1983 1.5 1984 1.6 1985 1.7 1986 1.8 1987 1.9 1988 1.10 1989 1980s 1980 gay activist george hislop runs seat on toronto city council in 1980 municipal election. finishes third in race ward 6 on november 10. october 31 - first time, police presence protects gay spectators , drag queens anti-gay harassment @ annual hallowe en show @ toronto s st. charles tavern. december - @ last caretaker meeting of tecumseh, ontario s municipal council following 1980 municipal elections, outgoing reeve , unsuccessful mayoral candidate cameron frye acknowledges gay. campaign had been marked rumours frye s sexuality, including distribution of hate literature claiming frye promote gay lifestyle mayor , lead town moral decay , although frye refused address rumours sexuality during campaign. 1981 february 5: 4 bathhouses in toronto raided toronto police service in operation soap. event considered 1 of crucial turning points in canadian lgbt history, unprecedented com

Territorial courts Criminal law in the Waite Court

a group of imprisoned polygamists, including lds apostle george q. cannon the waite court heard 9 criminal appeals territorial courts, majority of them arising prosecutions of mormon polygamists in courts of utah territory. reynolds v. united states (1878) rejected 6 challenges polygamy conviction: territorial grand jury statute provided fewer members grand juries in circuit courts; violated impartial jury clause seat juror opposed polygamy; cause challenges improperly granted prosecution; testimony violated confrontation clause; polygamy protected free exercise clause; , improper judge comment on social ills of polygamy. miles v. united states (1880) rejected several challenges polygamy conviction. court held bigamy proved testimony (as opposed to, example, wedding certificate); question of whether evidence established guilty beyond reasonable doubt not raised de novo in supreme court; judge exclude jurors for-cause believed polygamy compelled god; late post-conviction complain first

Sources of jurisdiction Criminal law in the Waite Court

1 sources of jurisdiction 1.1 writs of error 1.1.1 state courts 1.1.2 territorial courts 1.2 original habeas 1.3 habeas appeals 1.4 certificates of division 1.5 prerogative writs sources of jurisdiction writs of error state courts the waite court heard twenty-five criminal writs of error state courts (as authorized § 25 of judiciary act of 1789 , progeny). several of these cases involved compatibility of state criminal laws dormant commerce clause (and counterweight, police power). in welton v. missouri (1875), court reversed conviction selling goods without license. in turner v. maryland (1883), court upheld statute required inspection of exported tobacco packed @ different place grown. barbier v. connolly (1884) upheld ban on laundries. presser v. illinois (1886) upheld ban on militias. walling v. michigan (1886) invalidated tax on out-of-state liquor wholesalers (which did not apply in-state liquor wholesalers). smith v. alabama (1888) upheld locomotive licensing scheme. others invo

Career Diana Krall

live @ paramount theater in charlottesville, virginia in late may 2007, krall featured in lexus ad campaign. sang dream little dream of me piano accompaniment pianist hank jones. quiet nights released on march 31, 2009. krall produced barbra streisand s album love answer, released on september 29, 2009. 2011 saw krall retreat sri lanka; however, no publicity given , visit remained entirely private. in september 2012, accompanied paul mccartney @ capitol studios in live performance of album kisses on bottom, shown live on internet. on september 13, 2012, krall performed fly me moon @ astronaut neil armstrong s memorial service in washington, d.c. glad rag doll released on october 2, 2012. wallflower 12th studio album krall, released on february 3, 2015 verve records. album produced david foster. among composers krall , foster tackled eagles (two songs), elton john , bernie taupin ( sorry seems hardest word ), 10cc ( m not in love ), neil finn ( don t dream s on ), , gilbert o sulliv

Life after libel suit David Irving

early in september 2004, michael cullen, deputy prime minister of new zealand, announced irving not permitted visit country, had been invited national press club give series of lectures under heading problems of writing world war ii in free society . national press club defended invitation of irving, saying amounted not endorsement of views, rather opportunity question him. government spokeswoman said people have been deported country refused entry new zealand. irving rejected ban , attempted board qantas flight new zealand los angeles on 17 september 2004. not allowed on board. on 11 november 2005, austrian police in southern state of styria, acting under 1989 warrant, arrested irving. irving pleaded guilty charge of trivialising, grossly playing down , denying holocaust . irving stated in plea changed opinions on holocaust, said based on knowledge @ time, 1991 when came across eichmann papers, wasn t saying anymore , wouldn t now. nazis did murder millions of jews. irving sente

Accolades The Frontier (2014 film)

^ best feature film award, 2014 silver springs international film festival .  ^ best drama award, 2014 breckenridge film festival .  ^ best actor in feature award, 2014 massachusetts independent film festival .  ^ best actress award, 2014 nyc independent film festival .  ^ best new hampshire feature award, 2014 nyc independent film festival . 

Purdue 2007 Michigan State Spartans football team

date: november 10 location: ross–ade stadium, west lafayette, in game start: 12:09 pm est elapsed time: 3:25 game attendance: 55,630 game weather: 44°f, wind: calm, sunny referee: dan capron tv announcers (btn): thom brennaman (play-by-play) charles davis (analyst) charissa thompson (sideline)

Jane Doe v. Trump Presidential Memorandum on Military Service by Transgender Individuals by Donald Trump (August 25, 2017)

on august 9, 2017, 5 transgender united states military personnel filed lawsuit, jane doe v. trump. sued trump , top pentagon officials on proposed banning of transgender people serving in military. suit asks court prevent ban going effect, under auspices of equal protection , due process clauses of fifth amendment. suit filed on behalf 2 major lgbt-rights organizations, glbtq legal advocates & defenders (glad) , national center lesbian rights, filed petition in united states district court in washington. on august 31, 2017, plaintiffs applied preliminary injunction on proposed ban, stating unconstitutional , plaintiffs have suffered serious , irreparable harms continue absent court s intervention. on august 31, 3 former secretaries of military services, eric fanning, ray mabus, , deborah lee james, submitted declarations in support of plaintiffs. on october 4, civil division of department of justice filed motion dismiss amended complaint in jane doe v. trump , oppose applicati

Punditry G. Terry Madonna

philadelphia city paper madonna regularly appears analyst wgal-tv , panelist on wpvi-tv s inside story. appears guest on talk radio programs across pennsylvania. has provided election coverage whyy-tv, wpvi-tv , witf-tv. during 1990s, regular panelist on peoples’ business, public television news , commentary program. current host of weekly pennsylvania news , commentary program, pennsylvania newsmakers. has contributed material political web sites including msnbc, hill, realclearpolitics, , fox news. co-authors politically uncorrected bi-weekly political commentary column has been carried capitolwire , politicspa. reprints of column appeared in other state , national news outlets, including , realclearpolitics. has moderated forums , debates gubernatorial, congressional, state legislative, , school board elections. he has provided commentary , analysis new york times, washington post, los angeles times, wall street journal, usa today, philadelphia inquirer, philadelphia d

China Horses in East Asian warfare

ceramic statues of prancing horse (foreground) , cavalryman on horseback (background), eastern han dynasty (25-220 ad) a sancai lead-glazed earthenware horse statue saddle, tang dynasty (618-907 ad) there horse-driven chariots of shang (c. 1600 - c. 1050 bc) , zhou (c. 1050 - 256 bc) periods, horseback riding in china, according david andrew graff, not seen in warfare prior 4th century bc. king wuling of zhao (340 bce-295 bce), after realizing advantages of light cavalry warfare on of heavy , cumbersome chariots, instituted reforms known 胡服骑射 (wearing of hu-nomadic people s attire, , shooting arrows horseback), increased combat-effectiveness of army of zhao. although mounted archers represented initial tactical advantage on chinese armies, chinese learned adapt. conservative forces opposed change, affected proportional balance amongst cavalrymen, horse-drawn chariots , infantrymen in chinese armies. the benefits of using horses light cavalry against chariots in warfare understood whe

Iron City .281800.E2.80.931859.29 History of Pittsburgh

second court house, completed 1841 commerce continued essential part of economy of pittsburgh, increasingly, manufacture began grow in importance. pittsburgh located in middle of 1 of productive coalfields in country; region rich in petroleum, natural gas, lumber, , farm goods. blacksmiths forged iron implements, horse shoes nails. 1800, town, population of 1,565 persons, had on 60 shops, including general stores, bakeries, , hat , shoe shops. the 1810s critical decade in pittsburgh s growth. in 1811, first steamboat built in pittsburgh. increasingly, commerce flow upriver. war of 1812 catalyzed growth of iron city. war britain, manufacturing center of world, cut off supply of british goods, stimulating american manufacture. also, british blockade of american coast increased inland trade, goods flowed through pittsburgh 4 directions. 1815, pittsburgh producing $764k in iron; $249k in brass , tin, , $235k in glass products. when, on march 18, 1816, pittsburgh incorporated city, had take

In folklore Huang Yueying

the yueying hall dedicated huang yueying in temple of marquis wu, wuzhang plains a story tells huang yueying challenged suitors visit claiming ugly. in event suitor visit her, hide herself under veils quiet dare test resolve. when zhuge liang came her, figure silhouetted moonlight , head covered 2 red veils. unlike other men, zhuge liang entered room alone , did not hesitate in removing disguises. removed first veil face, calmly stated ugliness misunderstanding father. zhuge liang rewarded huang yueying s joyful visage , gratification. a memorial exists in supposed hometown of huangjiawan (黄家湟) in yao village (姚庵村) outside xiangyang.

Breaches List of White House security breaches

1 breaches 1.1 white house 1.2 onto grounds 1.3 non-trespassing incidents breaches into white house april 13, 1912 – michael winter, arrested after forced way white house see william howard taft. january 20, 1985 – robert latta, gained access white house following 33 members of marine band past security. while carrying overnight bag, able wander around executive residence 14 minutes apprehended secret service agents. november 24, 2009 – carlos allen, michaele salahi , tareq salahi, showed uninvited state dinner indian prime minister manmohan singh. september 19, 2014 – omar gonzalez, 2014 white house intrusion jumped fence pennsylvania avenue side of white house , entered through north portico doors. upon entering overpowered secret service officer , ran through of main floor before tackled counter-assault agent. onto grounds february 17, 1974 – robert k. preston, hovered stolen helicopter above grounds , forced land. unknown if planned enter residence. november 26, 1975 1976 – gerald

Methods Load securing

1 methods 1.1 blocking & bracing 1.2 fasteners 1.3 dunnage 1.4 strapping 1.5 lashing 1.6 dunnage bags 1.7 tie downs methods there many different ways , materials available stabilize , secure cargo in vehicles , intermodal containers. combinations of load securing methods use. example load can blocked against headboad of truck , have webbing restraints tying down. blocking & bracing blocking & bracing load securement method using lumber , metal bars reduce or inhibit front rear shifting of freight/cargo. plastic forms used. blocking , bracing timber fasteners depending on type of load , particular vehicle, large bolts , nails may used. these may on load or on wood blocks used brace load. dunnage dunnage securing cargo includes scrap wood fill voids in cargo, wooden boards forming cribs , blocking , bracing, , modern mechanical, spring-loaded post-and-socket systems, dunnage segregates cargo in hold , prevents shifting of cargo in response ship or vehicle motions. strapping

Graduate medical education Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center (West Islip, New York)

good samaritan hospital operates number of osteopathic residency programs accredited american osteopathic association. samaritan hospital hosts residency programs in family medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics & gynecology, podiatry, , emergency medicine. samaritan hospital operates dual pediatric , emergency medicine program.

Programs and festivals Nandan (Kolkata)

deceased poet sunil gangopadhyaya in krittibash book stall in little magazine festival in nandan nandan has been cultural hub of kolkata long time. memorial lectures , special programs organised here on regular basis. nandan organises social communication film festival in collaboration roopkala kendra. kolkata international film festival kolkata international film festival started in 1995 , india s second oldest film festival. nandan 1 of main venues of festival. till 2010 film festival used inaugurated @ nandan. in 2011, mamata banerjee, after becoming chief minister of west bengal, shifted ceremony nandan netaji indoor stadium. little magazine festival a little magazine festival organised paschimbanga bangla akademi in nandan premises every year. festival commenced in 2001. little magazine publishers outside india (like bangladesh) have joined festival.

Legacy Abe no Nakamaro

this image of abe no nakamaro part hokusai s series 1 hundred poets from literary work famous poem filled intense longing home in nara. 1 of poems included in anthology hyakunin isshu , in kokin wakashū. abe s place in japanese cultural history confirmed in hokusai s hyakunin isshu series of ukiyo-e woodblock prints.

History The Palmer House (Sauk Centre)

lobby of palmer house the palmer house built in 1901 ralph l. palmer on site of sauk centre house, had burned down on june 26, 1900. hotel became first building in sauk centre have electricity. sinclair lewis, worked in palmer house young man, used model minniemashie house in 1920 novel main street, in turn modeled on sauk centre.