Economic policies soon after independence Economy of Zambia

gdp per capita (current), compared neighbouring countries (world average = 100)

the british south africa company (bsac, set british imperialist cecil rhodes) retained commercial assets , mineral rights acquired concession signed litunga of barotseland in 1892 (the lochner concession). threatening expropriate bsac, on eve of independence, did incoming zambian government manage bsac relinquish mineral rights. federation s government assigned roles each of 3 territories: southern rhodesia assigned responsibility of providing managerial , administrative skills; northern rhodesia provided copper revenues; , nyasaland provided black labour.

after independence, zambia instituted program of national development plans, under direction of national commission development planning: transitional development plan (1964–66) followed first national development plan (1966–71). these 2 plans, provided major investment in infrastructure , manufacturing, largely implemented , successful. not true subsequent plans


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