The ceremony begins Coronation of the Russian monarch

alexander iii receiving sceptre during coronation in 1883

the ceremony commenced singing of 101st psalm, tsar invited recite nicene creed according eastern orthodox usage, without filioque clause. tsar given book containing prayer him read, following prelate pronounced blessing upon him. further hymns sung, , 3 scripture lessons read: isaiah 49:13-19, romans 13:1-7 , matthew 22:15-22.

the tsar removed chain of order of st. andrew, , robed in purple metropolitans of st. petersburg , kiev. bowing head, had hands laid upon him chief celebrant, read 2 prayers on him. these 2 prayers originated in, , identical with, found in byzantine coronation ritual. in first of these prayers presiding metropolitan prayed:

o lord our god, king of kings , lord of lords, through samuel prophet didst choose thy servant david , didst anoint him king on thy people israel; hear supplication of though unworthy, , forth thy holy dwelling place , vouchsafe anoint oil of gladness thy faithful servant n., whom thou hast been pleased establish king on thy holy people thou hast made thine own precious blood of thine only-begotten son. clothe him power on high; set on head crown of precious stones; bestow on him length of days, set in right hand scepter of salvation; establish him upon throne of righteousness; defend him panoply of thy holy spirit; strengthen arm; subject him barbarous nations; sow in heart fear of thee , feeling subjects; preserve him in blameless faith; make him manifest sure guardian of doctrines of thy holy catholic church; may judge thy people in righteousness , thy poor in judgment, , save sons of in want , may heir of thy heavenly kingdom. [aloud] thine might , thine kingdom , power, of father, , of son, , of holy spirit, , ever, , unto ages of ages. amen.

after greeting of peace metropolitan came deacon s command: bow heads unto lord . metropolitan read second prayer, inclined heads:

thee alone, king of mankind, has whom thou hast entrusted earthly kingdom bowed neck us. , pray thee, lord of all, keep him under thine own shadow; strengthen kingdom; grant may continually things pleasing thee; make arise in days righteousness , abundance of peace; in tranquility may lead tranquil , quiet life in godliness , gravity. thou art king of peace , saviour of our souls , bodies , thee ascribe glory: father , son, , holy spirit, , ever, , unto ages of ages. amen.


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