Style and technique George Simon (artist and archaeologist)

simon , bimichi paintings (2009): (left right) simon painting bimichi i; simon working on bimichi ii.

simon paints acrylics on canvas, twill fabric, or paper. builds contrasts , depth paintings applying thin layers of acrylic, 1 on top of other, gently , tediously . in late 1990s started experiment use of gesso in order create texture , three-dimensional patterns of relief in paintings.

conceptually, simon deploys intuitive approach paintings. begins deciding on dominant colour work, throw[ing] paint haphazardly @ canvas, , responding imagery [that] comes . in 1994/5 simon explained: have great faith in subconscious. let paint remain on canvas , @ , gradually images come out , develop images .

according simon, archaeological work had profound effect on artistic style. research prehistoric art in south america , latin america encouraged him inwards , become more confident in using [his] own private language , in explorations of amerindian culture , mythologies.


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