Iron City .281800.E2.80.931859.29 History of Pittsburgh

second court house, completed 1841

commerce continued essential part of economy of pittsburgh, increasingly, manufacture began grow in importance. pittsburgh located in middle of 1 of productive coalfields in country; region rich in petroleum, natural gas, lumber, , farm goods. blacksmiths forged iron implements, horse shoes nails. 1800, town, population of 1,565 persons, had on 60 shops, including general stores, bakeries, , hat , shoe shops.

the 1810s critical decade in pittsburgh s growth. in 1811, first steamboat built in pittsburgh. increasingly, commerce flow upriver. war of 1812 catalyzed growth of iron city. war britain, manufacturing center of world, cut off supply of british goods, stimulating american manufacture. also, british blockade of american coast increased inland trade, goods flowed through pittsburgh 4 directions. 1815, pittsburgh producing $764k in iron; $249k in brass , tin, , $235k in glass products. when, on march 18, 1816, pittsburgh incorporated city, had taken on of defining characteristics: commerce, manufacture, , constant cloud of coal dust.

other emerging towns challenged pittsburgh. in 1818, first segment of national road completed, baltimore wheeling, bypassing pittsburgh. threatened render town less essential in east-west commerce. in coming decade, however, many improvements made transportation infrastructure. in 1818, region s first river bridge, smithfield street bridge, opened, first step in developing city of bridges on 2 rivers. on october 1, 1840, original pennsylvania turnpike completed, connecting pittsburgh , eastern port city of philadelphia. in 1834, pennsylvania main line canal completed, making pittsburgh part of transportation system included rivers, roads, , canals.

manufacture continued grow. in 1835, mcclurg, wade , co. built first locomotive west of alleghenies. already, pittsburgh capable of manufacturing essential machines of age. 1840s, pittsburgh 1 of largest cities west of mountains. in 1841, second court house, on grant s hill, completed. made polished gray sandstone, court house had rotunda 60 feet (18 m) in diameter , 80 feet (24 m) high.

great fire of pittsburgh, 1845

like many burgeoning cities of day, pittsburgh s growth outstripped of necessary infrastructure, such water supply dependable pressure. because of this, on april 10, 1845, great fire burned out of control, destroying on thousand buildings , causing $9m in damages. city rebuilt, age of rails arrived. in 1851, ohio , pennsylvania railroad began service between cleveland , allegheny city (present-day north side). in 1854, pennsylvania railroad began service between pittsburgh , philadelphia.

despite many challenges, pittsburgh had grown industrial powerhouse. 1857 article provided snapshot of iron city:

939 factories in pittsburgh , allegheny city

employing more 10k workers
producing $12m in goods
using 400 steam engines

total coal consumed — 22m bushels
total iron consumed — 127k tons
in steam tonnage, third busiest port in nation, surpassed new york city , new orleans.

monongahela river scene, 1857.


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