The Battle of the Metaurus Gaius Claudius Nero

1 battle of metaurus

1.1 overview
1.2 events
1.3 significance of battle
1.4 claudius role
1.5 aftermath

the battle of metaurus

the battle of metaurus, 207 bc.


the battle of metaurus significant battle in not life of claudius, during second punic war. fought near metauro river, in northern italy. in 210 bc new roman army sent spain under command of scipio younger. came realisation war in spain needed involve striking directly @ carthage instead of attempting win on spanish tribesmen. 2 years later, in 208 bc, scipio faced hasdrubal near town of baecula; causing retreat, war turning in rome’s favour. however, in battle hannibal, 2 consuls killed. 1 of them marcellus, popular general , competent soldier, significant blow rome. nevertheless, in 207 bc battle of metaurus marked turning point in second punic war momentous roman victory.


polybius gives detailed description of events of battle, particularly death of hasdrubal , strategy used claudius seize overall victory. hasdrubal followed roman legions led claudius attempting meet brother hannibal in italy. hasdrubal sent out messengers outlining meeting point, these despatches intercepted romans, providing them means adopt offensive approach knew plans. claudius had been camped close hannibal, in strategic position. stationed further south colleague , co-consul m. livius salinator, , set off march north join livius , reach hasdrubal near metaurus river. left of army keep watch, , joined livius @ night. after hasdrubal realised there 2 roman consuls in same camp, decided retire until make contact brother. claudius commanding right wing of romans, obstructed ravine , couldn’t around. ingeniously claudius marched troops behind roman lines emerge in surprise attack behind hasdrubal’s forces. livy described battle disaster carthaginians, around 56,000 troops dead.

significance of battle

the battle major roman victory; led defeat , death of hasdrubal , major blow hannibal. after battle won , hasdrubal dead, claudius ordered head thrown hannibal’s camp.

caius claudius, consul, on return camp, ordered head of hasdrubal, had kept , brought him, thrown before advanced guards of enemy .

this devastating hannibal, livy describing aftermath:

hannibal under double blow of great public , personal distress exclaimed: now, @ last, see destiny of carthage plain .

claudius role

claudius had been put in charge of southern army, tasked face hannibal. intercepted messengers, , made authoritative decision these legitimate. these messages may have been punic trap, nevertheless took 6000 infantry , 1000 cavalry form army of approximately 45000, take on hasdrubal. claudius took these reinforcements join livius means of defeating hasdrubal. reached livius’ camp @ night, not have expected army had been heavily reinforced. claudius explicitly went against roman law, states consuls forbidden leaving front assigned him without permission senate. claudius must have believed if lost nothing matter, , if won forgiven actions. claudius , livius awoke discover punic army gone. pursued fleeing hasdrubal, had become stuck on south shore of river due flooding. claudius attempted flank right due rough ground ahead of him not able to, , withdrew men attack behind lines of roman soldiers. claudius detached 4 cohorts, around half legion, , created confusion amongst carthaginians, leading defeat.

polybius states:

claudius fell upon rear of enemy battle ceased equal .

polybius described hasdrubal’s death, stating successful leader , great general:

hasdrubal had behaved on occasion, throughout whole life, brave man, , died fighting .


when news of victory reached rome, high emotional state of people impossible describe. senate decreed three-day public thanksgiving celebrate preservation of roman army , destruction of enemy , commander claudius , livius. 2 shared military triumph, , although claudius contribution success of battle equal or greater of livius, claudius had content lesser honour of ovation. consequently, claudius rode city on single horse rather 4 horse chariot surrounded soldiers livius enjoyed. according livy:

[claudius], if went on foot, memorable, glory won in war, or contempt of in triumph .

however, should realised livy writing in augustan period , emperor’s wife livia belonged claudii nerones, bias expected here. fact little information on later career , death survives in evidence seems support view of bias. spoils included 300,000 sesterces, , 80,000 bronze asses, , claudius promised same largesse of 56 asses per man livius dispensed men.


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