Archaeological history Lost-wax casting
1 archaeological history 1.1 middle east 1.2 near east 1.3 south asia 1.4 egypt 1.5 greek, roman , mediterranean 1.6 east asia 1.7 southeast asia 1.8 europe 1.9 west africa 1.10 latin america archaeological history replica of bronze sceptre nahal mishmar hoard. middle east some of oldest known examples of lost-wax technique objects discovered in cave of treasure (nahal mishmar) hoard in southern israel, , belong chalcolithic period (4500–3500 bc). conservative carbon 14 estimates date items c.3700 bc, making them more 5700 years old. near east in mesopotamia, c. 3500–2750 bc, lost-wax technique used small-scale, , later large-scale copper , bronze statues. 1 of earliest surviving lost-wax castings small lion pendant uruk iv. sumerian metalworkers practicing lost-wax casting approximately c. 3500–3200 bc. later examples northeastern mesopotamia/anatolia include great tumulus @ gordion (late 8th century bc), other types of urartian cauldron attachments. making sculpture using lost wax pr...