Organic fertilizers Fertilizer

compost bin small-scale production of organic fertilizer

a large commercial compost operation

“organic fertilizers” can describe fertilizers organic — biologic — origin -- is, fertilizers derived living or formerly living materials. organic fertilizers can describe commercially available , packaged products strive follow expectations , restrictions adopted “organic agriculture” , ”environmentally friendly gardening — related systems of food , plant production limit or strictly avoid use of synthetic fertilizers , pesticides. “organic fertilizer” products typically contain both organic materials acceptable additives such nutritive rock powders, ground sea shells (crab, oyster, etc.), other prepared products such seed meal or kelp, , cultivated microorganisms , derivitives.

fertilizers of organic origin (the first definition) include such materials animal wastes, plant wastes agriculture, compost, , treated sewage sludge (biosolids). beyond manures, animal sources can include products slaughter of animals — bloodmeal, bone meal, feather meal, hides, hoofs, , horns typical components. organically derived materials available industry such sewage sludge may not acceptable components of organic farming , gardening, because of factors ranging residual contaminants public perception. on other hand, marketed “organic fertilizers” may include, , promote, processed organics because materials have consumer appeal. no matter definition nor composition, of these products contain less concentrated nutrients, , nutrients not quantified. never-the-less can offer soil-building advantages appealing trying farm / garden more “naturally”.

in terms of volume, peat used packaged organic soil amendment. since immature form of coal, improves soil aeration , absorbing water, confers no nutritional value plants, not fertilizer defined in beginning of article, rather amendment. coir, (derived coconut husks), bark, , sawdust when added soil act (but not identically) peat , considered organic soil amendments - or texturizers - because of limited nutritive imputs. organic additives can have reverse effect on nutrients — fresh sawdust can consume soil nutrients breaks down, , may lower soil ph — these same organic texturizers (as compost, etc.) may increase availability of nutrients through improved cation exchange, or through increased growth of microorganisms in turn increase availability of plant nutrients. organic fertilizers such composts , manures may distributed locally without going industry production, making actual consumption more difficult quantify.

for fuller discussion, see article on organic fertilizers.


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