
Showing posts from January, 2010

Tibet campaign Zhang Guohua

zhang guohua 1950 as commander of southwest eighteenth army corps of people s liberation army, led main attack force in 1950 qamdo campaign against tibetan forces. zhang chosen special knowledge of tibetan culture; mao zedong did not want alienate tibetans , gave strict instructions united front work respecting local religion , customs. in contrast leader of northwest army, fan ming, supported dalai lama , avoided marching city after victory. zhang seized position of secretary of cpc tibet committee 1950 1952, until mao zedong, on learning of power struggle fan, replaced him zhang jingwu secretary. still, zhang headed tibet work committee, negotiate items in seventeen point agreement peaceful liberation of tibet. zhang made passing reference negotiations in memoirs. zhang resume position secretary 1965 1967.

1930s Stella Gibbons

mock tudor houses on holly lodge estate, highgate, gibbons lived 1936 (2008 photograph) during remainder of 1930s gibbons produced 5 more novels, 2 poetry collections, children s book, , number of short stories. november 1936 family home in oakshott avenue, on holly lodge estate off highgate west hill, gibbons regularly worked in mornings ten until lunchtime. novels received critics , public, though none earned accolades or attention had been given cold comfort farm; readers of times warned not expect gibbons s second novel, bassett (1934), repetition of earlier masterpiece. enbury heath (1935) relatively faithful account of childhood , adult life with, according oliver, thinnest veil of fictional gauze cover[ing] raw experience . miss linsey , pa (1936) thought nicola beauman, in analysis of women writers 1914 1939, parody radclyffe hall s 1928 lesbian novel of loneliness. gibbons s final prewar novels nightingale wood (1935)— cinderella brought right date —and american (1939), olive

History Paden City High School

1 history 1.1 establishment 1.2 1975 fire destroys pchs 1.3 new building (1977) 1.4 areas of pchs named in honor of notable people 1.5 paden city high school saved in 2010 history establishment educational opportunity first offered in paden city in proverbial little red schoolhouse. one-room brick building located in wetzel county part of town, across highway wesleyan methodist church. second school built on of present school site. four-room building of wood frame construction. 1916 school population had increased such extent four-room building inadequate, , j.r. henthorne building on main street secured school purposes. few years later kannan building on fourth avenue rented since afforded more space henthorne building. the temporary building being unsatisfactory created strong sentiment favoring construction of new school building. since similar crowding conditions existed in schools of other magnolia district communities, bond issue financing district building program laid on decemb

History Church of Nosso Senhor do Bonfim, Salvador

wooden ceiling of church painted 1818-1820 franco velasco. the inner decoration of church finished in 19th century. neoclassical main altarpiece, has form of baldachin cupola sustained volutes, carved , designed sculptor antônio joaquim dos santos between 1813 , 1814. lateral walls of single-aisled nave decorated several altarpieces. another notable feature of church painted wooden ceiling, executed bahia artist franco velasco between 1818 , 1820, shows people thanking our lord of bonfim having survived shipwreck. sacristy, nave , other rooms of church display paintings notable bahia painter, josé teófilo de jesus, executed in 1830s. in 19th century, bonfim brotherhood built houses in square in front of church house pilgrims (romeiros) come salvador every year honour our lord of bonfim.

Stability Orbital spaceflight

the international space station during construction in earth orbit in 2001. must periodically re-boosted maintain orbit an object in orbit @ altitude of less 200 km considered unstable due atmospheric drag. satellite in stable orbit (i.e. sustainable more few months), 350 km more standard altitude low earth orbit. example, on 1958-02-01 explorer 1 satellite launched orbit perigee of 358 kilometers (222 mi). remained in orbit more 12 years before atmospheric reentry on pacific ocean on 1970-03-31. however, exact behaviour of objects in orbit depends on altitude, ballistic coefficient, , details of space weather can affect height of upper atmosphere.

Chet Morton List of The Hardy Boys characters

chester chet morton appears in of hardy boys books. tags along on boys little adventures. portrayed stout fellow , described plump or chubby. stature , not-athletic nature make him frequent source of comic relief. whimsical nature distraction him, though leads unexpected break in case. throughout original canon, chet diving new hobbies botany in shore road mystery or ballooning in clue of hissing serpent.

Return to Guyana George Simon (artist and archaeologist)

simon @ work on berbice archaeology project, 2009. in 2009, simon began working on major archaeological project in berbice region of guyana neil l. whitehead @ university of wisconsin-madison , michael heckenberger @ university of florida. aimed @ investigating remains of ancient settlements , agricultural networks in berbice region, project had origins in initial sighting of numerous small mounds retired major-general joe singh, during 1 of flights guyana defence force battle school @ takama. singh s initial observations pursued simon, discovered terra preta soils (evidence of human inhabitance) in area in 1987. in 1992, whitehead , simon revisited sites , undertook preliminary field investigations of cultural , geological remains in area. these investigations uncovered vast complex of agricultural mounds in area , large terra preta site named hitia. initial radiocarbon tests of samples taken site places construction of agricultural mounds @ approximately 1800bp. the anthony n. sagb

Show numbers Windows Speech Recognition

the show numbers command overlaying numbers on user interface elements in games explorer. applications , operating system user interface elements not present obvious commands can still controlled asking system overlay numbers on top of them through show numbers command. once active, speaking overlaid number selects item user can open or perform other operations. command designed users interact items not readily identifiable.

Selected judicial opinions Stephen N. Limbaugh Sr.

^ federal courts @ odds: should minors have access violent video games? . division public education, american bar association. archived original on 24 august 2015.  ^ jenkins, henry (2004). reality bytes: 8 myths video games debunked . video game revolution. kcts television (public broadcasting service). archived original on 26 august 2004. 

Entrepreneur Andi Siebenhofer

siebenhofers former gyrocopter-base in hungary early – 2005 – became aware of so-called gyrocopters in europe. established gyrocopter distribution , training headquarters in austria, hungary, slovakia, denmark , spain. foundation meidl airport in fertőszentmiklós, hungary, established flight training school. other manufacturers committed siebenhofer test pilot. today – since 2009 – owner of “the 7 group ltd”, erbil, iraqi kurdistan. in year, receive assignment establish first training headquarters kurdish pilots in iraq, kurdistan regional government in erbil, iraq, in cooperation army. gyrocopters, (as of 2011) helicopters, deployed. 2010 , 2011, further gyrocopters delivered kurdish interior ministry , pilots trained. prevent terroristic encroachments, interior ministry monitor approach- , take off paths of airports in erbil , sulaymaniyah. beginning in 2011, siebenhofers company delivered helicopters of type eurocopter ec 120b traffic police in iraqi kurdistan. gyrocopters, train pi

Archaeology Scythian art

bronze ordos culture plaque, 4th century bc; horse attacked tiger kurgans large mounds obvious in landscape , high proportion have been plundered @ various times; many may never have had permanent population nearby guard them. counter this, treasures deposited in secret chambers below floor , elsewhere, have avoided detection until arrival of modern archaeologists, , many of outstanding finds come such chambers in kurgans had been partly robbed. elsewhere desertification of steppe has brought once-buried small objects lie on surface of eroded land, , many ordos bronzes seem have been found in way. russian explorers first brought scythian artworks recovered scythian burial mounds peter great in 18th century. these works formed basis of collection held hermitage museum in saint petersburg. catherine great impressed material recovered kurgans or burial mounds ordered systematic study made of works. however, before development of modern archaeological techniques. nikolai veselovsky (1848-1

Season Ten .282014.E2.80.932016.29 Buffy the Vampire Slayer comics

1 season ten (2014–2016) 1.1 buffy 1.1.1 trade paperbacks 1.2 angel & faith 1.2.1 trade paperbacks season ten (2014–2016) season ten buffy comic series published after buffy vampire slayer season nine. buffy trade paperbacks new rules i wish love dares you old demons pieces on ground own it angel & faith trade paperbacks where river meets sea lost , found united a little more kin a tale of 2 families

External links Niue

definitions wiktionary media commons news wikinews quotations wikiquote texts wikisource textbooks wikibooks travel guide wikivoyage learning resources wikiversity government niuean government official site general information niue . world factbook. central intelligence agency.  niue ucb libraries govpubs niue @ dmoz wikimedia atlas of niue travel niue tourism office other niue film commission niue portal people of niue niue island food , caves coordinates: 19°03′s 169°55′w / 19.050°s 169.917°w / -19.050; -169.917

External links Dennis Cooper

nyu s fales library , special collections guide dennis cooper papers dennis new blog ira silverberg (fall 2011). dennis cooper, art of fiction no. 213 . paris review.  an interview dennis cooper word riot little house on bowery series akashic books gisèle vienne grove press dennis cooper @ pol 3:am magazine, november 2001 interview stephen lucas 3:am magazine, december 2001 interview dan epstein 2011 radio interview @ bat segundo show review of jerk matias viegener in artforum frisk on imdb — 1995 film version of novel (in dutch) vpro dutch television site — article , link streaming video segment on dennis cooper teenage hallucination ◉◉, dennis cooper fan site works or dennis cooper in libraries (worldcat catalog)

Biography Jean-Marie Calès

1 biography 1.1 under national convention 1.2 under directory 1.3 under empire , restoration 1.4 genealogy biography physician, , « son of jean calès, alderman of caraman, , of damsel jeanne marie rochas » farmer-owners in region of lauragais near toulouse, jean-marie calès deputy of haute-garonne @ 2 first assemblies in french history organized republic, national convention 1792 1795 , later council of 5 hundred 1795 1798. member of committee of general security in 1795, convention s committee designed protect revolutionary republic internal enemies. younger brother jean-chrysostôme calès, colonel in great army, baron of 1st empire , representative of ephemeral chamber of representatives created napoleon during period of hundred days in 1815. 1 of other younger brothers inspector-general of military hospitals, , 3 other, officers. jean-marie calès married mme poupardin (born marie anne chardon, in sedan in 1768 , deceased in liège in 1828). fervent advocate of revolution, first appoin

Jerome Bruner Philosophy of education

date: 1915–2016 another important contributor inquiry method in education bruner. books process of education , toward theory of instruction landmarks in conceptualizing learning , curriculum development. argued subject can taught in intellectually honest form child @ stage of development. notion underpinning concept of spiral (helical) curriculum posited idea curriculum should revisit basic ideas, building on them until student had grasped full formal concept. emphasized intuition neglected essential feature of productive thinking. felt interest in material being learned best stimulus learning rather external motivation such grades. bruner developed concept of discovery learning promoted learning process of constructing new ideas based on current or past knowledge. students encouraged discover facts , relationships , continually build on know.

Nichigai WHOPLUS Nichigai WHO

1 nichigai whoplus 1.1 , jinbutsu odan file 1.2 who 1.3 jinbutsu odan file nichigai whoplus who , jinbutsu odan file nichigai whoplus divided 2 categories: , jinbutsu odan file (人物ファイル横断, lit. figures cross-reference). provides full text search option post limits while jinbutsu odan file searches name headings , full text. who who database catalogs profiles , bibliographic information of on 260,000 prominent figures. profiles includes notations , readings of names, occupations , position titles, date of birth , death, academic backgrounds, personal history, , awards among others. two search methods available: 1 full text search (全文検索) , other advanced search (条件指定, lit. search limiting subjects). if searching tsuda umeko full text, 19 figures related tsuda umeko displayed search results. if searching tsuda umeko, limiting female, deceased, , japanese, tsuda umeko appear result. subject includes full text search profile, name of figure, gender, living or deceased, area of occupational a

Criminal procedure Criminal law in the Waite Court

confrontation clause reynolds v. united states (1878) first supreme court case defendant raised confrontation clause issue. court held defendant s right confront witnesses (the alleged multiple wives) forfeited wrongdoing of defendant in procuring absence. cruel , unusual punishment in wilkerson v. utah (1879), court held execution firing squad not cruel , unusual punishment. double jeopardy clause in kring v. missouri (1883), court held violated double jeopardy statute attempt abrogate rule guilty plea second degree murder implied acquittal first-degree murder. in bohanan v. nebraska (1886), without reaching merits (but deciding motion dismiss), court held had authority consider whether second murder conviction in state court constituted double jeopardy. due process in brooks v. missouri (1888), court held state rule requiring new trial motion within 4 days of verdict did not violate due process clause. equal protection , jury selection an all-white jury strauder v. west virginia (188

Campaign Australian federal election, 2013

the incumbent labor-led government argued need safe pair of hands manage economic shift mining-oriented growth else; while opposition said prevent recession caused budget deficit. sydney morning herald suggested both arguments hedged on mining boom going bust. rudd officially began campaign season on 1 september in hometown of brisbane. @ rally, promised tax breaks small businesses , more work local contractors on infrastructure projects. said: in election, engaged in fight of our lives. fight values underpin australia s future, fight our vision australia s future. s fight how go building australia s future, future many, not few. dismissed opinion polls showed him trailing abbott in gaining parliamentary plurality.

Perennialism Philosophy of education

perennialists believe 1 should teach things 1 deems of everlasting importance people everywhere. believe important topics develop person. since details of fact change constantly, these cannot important. therefore, 1 should teach principles, not facts. since people human, 1 should teach first humans, not machines or techniques. since people people first, , workers second if @ all, 1 should teach liberal topics first, not vocational topics. focus on teaching reasoning , wisdom rather facts, liberal arts rather vocational training. allan bloom alexander sutherland neill date: 1930–1992 bloom, professor of political science @ university of chicago, argued traditional great books-based liberal education in lengthy essay closing of american mind.

Reservoirs List of lakes in Prairie County, Arkansas

^ aker reservoir . geographic names information system. united states geological survey.  ^ argo reservoir . geographic names information system. united states geological survey.  ^ catfish lake . geographic names information system. united states geological survey.  ^ crowley lake . geographic names information system. united states geological survey.  ^ eddy lake . geographic names information system. united states geological survey.  ^ floyds reservoir . geographic names information system. united states geological survey.  ^ frakers reservoir . geographic names information system. united states geological survey.  ^ hansons reservoir . geographic names information system. united states geological survey.  ^ hartz reservoir . geographic names information system. united states geological survey.  ^ holloway pond . geographic names information system. united states geological survey.  ^ jerome lake . geographic names information system. united states geological survey.  ^

History Old St Mary's Church, West Bergholt

james s royal coat in st mary s church later on, in order remind villagers king, king james had royal coat of arms painted in church. coat of arms can still seen day if 1 stands in gallery , looks towards altar. motto on arms reads exurgat deus dissipenter ininice , opening line of psalm 68 (let god arise , let enemies scattered). opposite james arms set of hanoverian arms acquired in 1816.

Gameplay Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

players engaging in online battle. online multiplayer versus requires players monitor thermal energy level, here, reaching 0 not cause death. instead, characters cannot use vss or fire weapons require thermal energy. online multiplayer versus consists of 4 modes, called elimination, team elimination, post grab, , fugitive. players score points killing other players , activating posts, , lose points being killed or committing suicide. post grab mode players on opposite teams compete capture many posts possible before set time runs out. team-elimination 16-player team competition, , elimination 16-player free-for-all mode. finally, fugitive game mode 1 person marked fugitive, , other players try take away fugitive s points before time runs out.

Investigatory procedures Tax evasion in the United States

1 investigatory procedures 1.1 net worth , cash expenditure methods of proof 1.2 bank deposit cash expenditure method 1.3 whistleblower program investigatory procedures the irs may carry out investigations determine correctness of tax return , collect necessary income tax, including requiring taxpayer provide specific information such books, records, , papers. irs whistleblower award program created assist irs in obtaining necessary information. while these investigations can lead criminal prosecution, irs has no power prosecute crimes. irs can impose monetary penalties , require payment of proper tax due. irs performs audits on suspicion of noncompliance has historically performed randomly selected audits estimate total noncompliance; former audits have higher chance of noncompliance. net worth , cash expenditure methods of proof under net worth , cash expenditure methods of proof, irs performs year-by-year-by-year comparisons of net worth , cash expenditures identify under reporting

Events 192

1 events 1.1 place 1.1.1 roman empire 1.1.2 asia 1.2 topic 1.2.1 arts , sciences 1.2.2 religion events by place roman empire december 31 – emperor commodus alarms senate appearing dressed gladiator new consulship (january 1). mistress, marcia, finds name on imperial execution list , hires champion wrestler named narcissus assassinate commodus. antonines dynasty ends. civil war again strikes ancient rome (192–193). asia may 22 – lü bu assassinates warlord dong zhuo, has controlled central government of han dynasty since 189 the kingdom of champa begins control south , central vietnam (approximate date). by topic arts , sciences a fire destroys galen s library. religion syrian christians establish christian community in kerala, india.

Effects on readability and legibility Sentence spacing studies

an example of river effect in justified text david jury s book, typography? notes following: changes in spacing either between letters , words, or between words only ... not appear affect legibility. [these rather extraordinary conclusions contrary other surveys on readability of texts.] a widespread observation increased sentence spacing creates rivers or holes within text, making visually unattractive, distracting, , difficult locate end of sentences. comprehensive works on typography describe negative effect on readability caused inconsistent spacing, supported in 1981 study found comprehension less accurate river condition. 1981 study on cathode ray tube (crt) displays concluded more densely packed text read more efficiently … more loosely packed text. statement supported in other works well. canadian typographer geoffrey dowding suggests possible explanations of phenomenon: a composed text page appears orderly series of strips of black separated horizontal channels of w

References Charles Muir Campbell

book: ascog virginia connection - notes on past , of people have played part in story., george bell barker of ascog, pub. entry charles muir campbell photos of sources provided william orlin campbell , melissa campbell. flora macdonald (scottish jacobite) [1] has legend james stewart , sons of flora macdonald (scottish jacobite) mentioned here. alexander charles ewald, life , times of prince charles edward (1886). f. f. walde, autobiography of flora macdonald (1870). inglis fletcher, scotswoman (1954) - novel on flora macdonald s later life in north carolina, during american war of independence. george bell family history tab @ birth , baptism records opr @ [], in counties of ayr / ayrshire, argyll / argylshire, bute, edinburgh city / midlothian, , fife.

Work (selected) Michael Hayden (actor)

^ gans, andrew. hayden, hurd, turner , sabin cast in shakespeare theatre company s dog in manger, january 22, 2009 ^ jones, kenneth. music-infused tis pity s whore, augesen , hayden, begins @ a.c.t., june 5, 2008 ^ merrily roll along production history, kennedy center, 2002, retrieved december 5, 2010 ^ rose, lloyd. camino real : freighted fable; tennessee williams play falters under own weight , washington post, june 6, 2000, p. c1 ^ nathan, john. west end revival of kander , ebb s cabaret begins sept. 22, september 22, 2006 ^ brantley, ben. theater review;tarnished goddess, alloy of iron , pain , new york times, july 8, 1998, section e; page 5; column 1

Judaism Apocrypha

although orthodox jews believe in exclusive canonization of current 24 books in tanakh, consider oral torah authoritative, believe handed down moses. sadducees—unlike pharisees samaritans—seem have maintained earlier , smaller number of texts canonical, preferring hold written in law of moses (making of presently accepted canon, both jewish , christian, apocryphal in eyes). circles in judaism, such essenes in judea , therapeutae in egypt, said have secret literature (see dead sea scrolls). other traditions maintained different customs regarding canonicity. ethiopic jews, instance, seem have retained spread of canonical texts similar ethiopian orthodox christians, cf encyclopaedia judaica, vol 6, p 1147.

Build-up Electric Picnic 2009

1 build-up 1.1 takeover 1.2 tickets 1.3 launch 1.4 other additions build-up takeover prior 2009, festival jointly organised between pod concerts , aiken promotions. british promoter festival republic bought out share of aiken promotions in electric picnic in march 2009, joining in partnership pod concerts organise 2009 event. festival republic 50.1% owned live nation biggest concert , festival promoter in world move seen many positive move festival. tickets on friday 10 october 2008, limited number of ‘early bird’ tickets went on sale @ 2008 price of €199, includes camping. bird tickets sold out in days. tickets festival went on sale on 17 april 2009 @ 09:00. family ticket, introduced electric picnic 2008, returned, allowing 2 adults , many 4 children live in family campsite weekend. festival declared sell-out promoter john reynolds. launch electric picnic 2009 launched on 15 april 2009 in harcourt street alice in wonderland , bell x1. initial announcement included forty-seven acts. ar

Career Rudolf Holste

on 22 april 1945, holste became part of poorly conceived , incredibly desperate plan wilhelm keitel , alfred jodl proposed adolf hitler. plan envisaged few remaining german forces in central germany attack soviet forces encircling berlin. plan called general walther wenck s twelfth army on elbe , mulde fronts turned around , attack towards east, linking south of berlin general theodor busse’s ninth army. both armies strike in northeastern direction towards potsdam , berlin. wenck’s objective autobahn @ ferch, near potsdam. holste s directive attack area northwest of berlin xli panzer corps across elbe between spandau , oranienburg. give holste punch possible, steiner turn on holste mechanized divisions (the 25th panzer-grenadiers , 7th panzer). wenck s army did make turn around , attacked towards berlin, halted outside of potsdam strong soviet resistance. neither busse nor holste made progress towards berlin. end of day on 27 april, soviet forces encircling berlin linked , forces insid

Barbarossa.27s crusade Third Crusade

death of frederick of germany gustave doré the elderly holy roman emperor frederick barbarossa responded call immediately. took cross @ mainz cathedral on 27 march 1188 , first set out holy land in may 1189 army of 100,000 men, including 20,000 knights. army of 2,000 men led hungarian prince géza, younger brother of king béla iii of hungary, , bishop ugrin csák went barbarossa holy land. the byzantine emperor isaac ii angelos made secret alliance saladin impede frederick s progress in exchange empire s safety. meanwhile, sultanate of rum promised frederick safety through anatolia, after raiding frederick lost patience , on 18 may 1190, german army sacked iconium, capital of sultanate. while crossing saleph river on 10 june 1190, frederick s horse slipped, throwing him against rocks; drowned in river. after this, of army returned germany in anticipation of upcoming imperial election. emperor s son, frederick of swabia, led remaining 5,000 men antioch. there, emperor s body boiled remo

Work Bruce Wilcox

1 work 1.1 mts/lisp , computer go 1.2 later work 1.3 chatbot technology work mts/lisp , computer go wilcox wrote mts/lisp interpreter (the lisp system used @ university of michigan , consortium of other places including upenn , brown) in 1970s, in order able write go program dr. walter reitman. (carole hafner wrote compiler.) go program first 1 able give 9-stone handicap human beginner , win. he wrote go program ibm-pc in 80 s called nemesis go master, became first go program released in japan (as taikyoku igo). wilcox co-founded toyogo, inc., company created first handheld go machine (1987–2004). company later went bankrupt. in field of go, wilcox co-authored book called ez-go, oriental strategy in nutshell, , interactive software books go dojo: contact fights , go dojo: sector fights. later work he ai guru 3do (1995–2003) working on games such army men series (pc), godai elemental force (ps2), , jacked (ps2). consulted fujitsu labs (2003–2007) in number of areas including motion

Variants Farman F.150

^ parmentier, bruno (1999-05-30). farman f-150 . (in french). retrieved 26 september 2014.  ^ parmentier, bruno (1999-05-30). farman f-150bis . (in french). retrieved 26 september 2014.  ^ cite error: named reference orbis1740 invoked never defined (see page).

Competitions 2013–14 FC Barcelona season

1 competitions 1.1 supercopa de españa 1.2 la liga 1.2.1 league table 1.2.2 results round 1.2.3 matches 1.3 copa del rey 1.3.1 round of 32 1.3.2 round of 16 1.3.3 quarter-finals 1.3.4 semi-finals 1.3.5 final 1.4 uefa champions league 1.4.1 group stage 1.4.2 knockout phase round of 16 quarter-finals 1.5 copa catalunya competitions supercopa de españa la liga league table results round last updated: 18 may 2014. source: competitive matches matches copa del rey round of 32 round of 16 quarter-finals semi-finals final uefa champions league group stage knockout phase round of 16 quarter-finals copa catalunya

2012 election Cheri Bustos

the bustos campaign publicly stated received endorsement of 2 dozen unions active in 17th congressional district, including illinois afl-cio, afscme , united auto workers. during primary, bustos received endorsement of u.s. senator dick durbin. durbin asked state senator dave koehler , george gaulrapp drop out of race clear way bustos, close family friend of durbin. gaulrapp reported during meeting durbin withdrawing, durbin said bustos had babysat family , close friend. bustos won democratic primary on march 20, 2012, defeating freeport mayor george gaulrapp , businessman greg aguilar 54%–26%-20%. in general election, bustos 1 of 39 candidates considered viable challengers against republican incumbents benefit red blue program offered democratic congressional campaign committee. bustos endorsed quad-city times general election. in november, defeated incumbent republican bobby schilling 53%–47%. she d received significant boost redistricting, replaced quincy, decatur , district s por

Further reading Roseivivax

1 further reading 1.1 scientific journals 1.2 scientific books 1.3 scientific databases further reading scientific journals suzuki t, muroga y, takahama m, nishimura y (1999). roseivivax halodurans gen. nov., sp. nov. , roseivivax halotolerans sp. nov., aerobic bacteriochlorophyll-containing bacteria isolated saline lake . int. j. syst. bacteriol. 49 (2): 629–634. doi:10.1099/00207713-49-2-629. pmid 10319485.  scientific books garrity gm, holt jg (2001). taxonomic outline of archaea , bacteria . in dr boone, rw castenholz. bergey s manual of systematic bacteriology volume 1: archaea , branching , phototrophic bacteria (2nd ed.). new york: springer verlag. pp. 155–166. isbn 978-0-387-98771-2.  scientific databases pubmed references roseivivax pubmed central references roseivivax google scholar references roseivivax

Causes Sensorineural hearing loss

1 causes 1.1 genetic 1.2 congenital 1.3 presbycusis 1.4 acquired 1.4.1 noise 1.4.2 disease or disorder 1.4.3 ototoxic , neurotoxic drugs , chemicals 1.4.4 head trauma 1.4.5 perinatal conditions 1.4.6 iodine deficiency / hypothyroidism 1.4.7 brain stroke causes sensorineural hearing loss may genetic or acquired (i.e. consequence of disease, noise, trauma, etc.). people may have hearing loss birth (congenital) or hearing loss may come on later. many cases related old age (age-related). genetic hearing loss can inherited. more 40 genes have been identified cause deafness. there 300 syndromes related hearing loss, , each syndrome may have causative genes. recessive, dominant, x-linked or mitochondrial genetic mutations can affect structure or metabolism of inner ear. may single point mutations whereas others due chromosomal abnormalities. genetic causes give rise late onset hearing loss. mitochondrial mutations can cause snhl i.e. m.1555a>g makes individual sensitive ototoxic effects of

West Ham United Matthew Upson

upson warming west ham united in 2009 on 18 january 2007, birmingham rejected west ham united s bid upson of £4 million, , turned down improved bid of £6 million few days later. offer of £6 million, potential rise £7.5 million depending on appearances, accepted on last day of transfer window, , upson agreed four-and-a-half-year contract west ham. birmingham city s manager steve bruce later claimed did not want sell upson, forced club s managing director karren brady. upson suffered calf injury less 30 minutes west ham united debut, 1–0 defeat against aston vill. lasted 11 minutes of comeback match before coming off injured against tottenham hotspur in 4–3 loss @ upton park in march 2007. upson completed first full match west ham in 2–0 home defeat manchester city in august 2007. 1 week later made first appearance west ham captain in 1–0 away win against former club birmingham city. on 29 december, upson scored first time in west ham colours when headed in winning goal against premier l

History Leonard Roy Harmon

harmon, born in cuero, texas, 22 years of age when enlisted in u. s. navy in june 1939. trained mess attendant, 1 of few jobs available black men in navy @ time. basic job description consisted of serving food officers , crew aboard ship. however, members of ship’s crew trained in damage control , had stations report during general quarters. during service became mess attendant first class , serving aboard uss san francisco (ca-38) when on november 12, 1942 killed in action. during course of naval battle of guadalcanal assigned assist pharmacist s mate lyndford bondsteel in caring wounded. while doing deliberately interposed himself between bondsteel , enemy gunfire in order protect shipmate. action resulted in death.