2012 election Cheri Bustos

the bustos campaign publicly stated received endorsement of 2 dozen unions active in 17th congressional district, including illinois afl-cio, afscme , united auto workers. during primary, bustos received endorsement of u.s. senator dick durbin. durbin asked state senator dave koehler , george gaulrapp drop out of race clear way bustos, close family friend of durbin. gaulrapp reported during meeting durbin withdrawing, durbin said bustos had babysat family , close friend. bustos won democratic primary on march 20, 2012, defeating freeport mayor george gaulrapp , businessman greg aguilar 54%–26%-20%.

in general election, bustos 1 of 39 candidates considered viable challengers against republican incumbents benefit red blue program offered democratic congressional campaign committee. bustos endorsed quad-city times general election. in november, defeated incumbent republican bobby schilling 53%–47%.

she d received significant boost redistricting, replaced quincy, decatur , district s portion of springfield more democratic portions of peoria , rockford. first democrat represent significant portion of peoria since 1927, , second democrat since 1850s represent significant portion of rockford.


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