Biography Jean-Marie Calès

1 biography

1.1 under national convention
1.2 under directory
1.3 under empire , restoration
1.4 genealogy


physician, , « son of jean calès, alderman of caraman, , of damsel jeanne marie rochas » farmer-owners in region of lauragais near toulouse, jean-marie calès deputy of haute-garonne @ 2 first assemblies in french history organized republic, national convention 1792 1795 , later council of 5 hundred 1795 1798. member of committee of general security in 1795, convention s committee designed protect revolutionary republic internal enemies. younger brother jean-chrysostôme calès, colonel in great army, baron of 1st empire , representative of ephemeral chamber of representatives created napoleon during period of hundred days in 1815. 1 of other younger brothers inspector-general of military hospitals, , 3 other, officers. jean-marie calès married mme poupardin (born marie anne chardon, in sedan in 1768 , deceased in liège in 1828).

fervent advocate of revolution, first appointed colonel of national guard of saint-béat, , held later different administrative positions, notably of procureur syndic (magistrate appeared during french revolution) of district of revel (haute-garonne).

under national convention

jean-marie calès elected, @ occasion of legislative elections of september 6, 1792, deputy @ national convention department of haute-garonne. these legislative elections first experience of universal suffrage in french history.

he joined political group of mountain (french: la montagne, members sat on highest benches of assembly), considered radical group of assembly. group, supporting republic , opposing girondists, led personalities georges danton, jean-paul marat , maximilien de robespierre.

opinion of citizen jean-marie calès, deputy of department of haute-garonne, on judgment of louis xvi. printed order of national convention (1793)

during first session, national convention proclaimed abolition of royalty on september 21, 1792, giving birth french first republic.

calès voted on january 15, 1793, « yes » immediate death of king louis xvi, without suspension, , declared assembly: vote death, , regret not have pronounce on tyrants  . king sentenced death extremely narrow majority: 365 votes against 356, , then, after recounting votes next day: 361 against 360. guillotined few days after, on january 21, 1793, place de la révolution.

in course of same year, calès 1 of fifty deputies commissioned draft project of constitution, concurrently 1 proposed condorcet. published 2 booklets entitled: « notes on plan of constitution » , « continuation of notes », in proposed establish 4 « degrees of honor » in state: farmer, warrior, scholar , artisan. advocated organization of « representative republic », should not « absolute ». convention adopted constitution of year (june 24, 1793), democratic , decentralized constitution, ratified referendum never implemented (because of wartime; convention set aside indefinitely on august 10, 1793 , declared « revolutionary government » until future peace). convention adopted few years later constitution of year iii (august 22, 1795, included in preamble declaration of rights , duties of man , citizen of 1795), approved plebiscite on september 6, 1795, founding regime of directory (this new constitution established census suffrage, , politically, provided two-house legislature, council of 5 hundred , council of ancients, , unique kind of executive, five-member committee (directory) chosen legislature).

représentant en mission (painting attributed jacques-louis david)

on june 15, 1793, calès appointed representative on mission, extraordinary envoy of legislative assembly maintaining law , order in départements , armies. sent several times between 1793 , 1795, notably in ardennes , marne (on june 17, 1793) ensure supply of troops. during mission, delivered « speech » @ sedan on august 10, 1793, printed , placarded in city. after 4 , half months of mission, both calès , colleague jean-baptiste perrin des vosges called paris, because considered « too moderate ». published « report » of mission, made convention , printed.

after returning assembly, did not support of sanguinary proposals of convention during reign of terror, , remained silent until events of 9th thermidor year ii (july 27, 1794), resulted in fall of robespierre , of regime of terror, opening so-called period of thermidorian convention. because of opposition robespierre, received victorious party new mission in department of cote d or. in mission, developed prudence , firmness. succeeded, not without difficulty, in putting end revolutionary excesses committed terrorists (supporters of regime of terror) , closed club of dijon ( terror no longer on agenda!   said). 300 incarcerated prisoners recovered freedom, , political purge led in opposite direction. local popular societies became prohibited , dissolved (however, remained pitiless against refractory priests, except married priests, , ordered break bells, crosses , pedestals, , forbade cult celebration).

on ventose, 15, year iii (march 5, 1795), calès elected member of committee of general security, committee designed protect revolutionary republic internal enemies. in following october (vendemiaire 13, year iii) announced had closed hall electors of section of theatre-francais had met protest openly against decrees of convention.

as representative of convention, calès actively participated foundation of many famous current institutions ecole polytechnique (september 28, 1794), national conservatory of arts , crafts (october 10, 1794), ecole normale supérieure, metric system, music conservatory of paris, conservateur des hypothèques, national museum of natural history , special school of oriental languages (march 30, 1795). decree of march 19, 1793, affirmed, right work, right assistance every man unable work (the public aid « sacred debt », constitution of 1793). law of floreal, 22 year ii (may 11, 1794) organized public assistance in countryside.

under directory

platform of hemicycle of palais bourbon. bas-relief on foreground depicts fame, blowing in trumpet, publishes great events of revolution , history writes word republic , , has been sculpted françois-frédéric lemot (1772-1827) in 1798. 1 of relics original room of council of 5 hundred.

the deputies of council of 5 hundred (with red costume), year after jean-marie calès left — (general bonaparte @ council of 5 hundred, in saint cloud. 10 november 1799 — coup d État of 18-19 brumaire year viii) (françois bouchot)

calès elected deputy of council of 5 hundred @ legislative elections of 23rd vendemiaire year iv (october 15, 1795), according procedure whereby 2 thirds of seats reserved former deputies of convention (by virtue of « decree of two-thirds » adopted, prevent royalists returning power). these principles established constitution of year iii (adopted convention), inaugurated regime of directory.

he took part in coup of 18 fructidor, year v (september 4, 1797), , actively contributed success of day. made several reports council (which adopted), on costume of representatives, secretaries, messengers of state , ushers of legislative body, on establishment of health schools (12 brumaire, year vi - november 2, 1797), of medical education (29 germinal, year vii - april 18, 1798), , on organization of ecole polytechnique (he requested « young men known civic virtue » should admitted).

he chosen , appointed peers « quaestor » of assembly (member of parliamentary assembly in charge of internal administration, such budgeting, personnel, premises, equipment, etc.). first major work under responsibility of these inspectors construction of first hemicycle of palais bourbon, has disappeared. names « talot, jacomin, martinel, laa , calès » engraved on copper plate placed under marble of « orator s tribune » (which still exists today, , bas-relief sculpted françois-frédéric lemot represents 2 allegories: « the history facing fame »), @ occasion of installation of council of 5 hundred in new palace.

under empire , restoration

calès retired parliament @ end of mandate in 1798, , returned toulouse. @ fall of napoleon , of first french empire, under bourbon restoration, condemned exile regicide , banished national territory « amnesty law of january 12, 1816 » proclaimed louis xviii. after living in munich (germany) , in basel (switzerland), took refuge in liège (belgium), continued practicing medicine. after revolution of july 1830, did not take advantage of abrogation of amnesty law promulgated monarchy of july return france. died in liège in 1834, @ age of 76.


jean-marie calès is:

the elder brother of jean-chrysostôme calès (1769-1853), colonel of great army , baron of empire. has been elected representative of ephemeral chamber of representatives created napoleon during period of hundred days in 1815.
the uncle of godefroy calès (1799-1868), deputy @ constituent national assembly (second republic) (1848-1849).
the great-uncle of jean jules godefroy calès (1828-1889), deputy @ chamber of deputies (third republic) (1885-1889).

^ biography of jean-marie calès on website of french national assembly:
^ palmer, r. r.; colton, j. g. (1965), history of modern world (3rd ed.), knopf, pp. 359–360, isbn 1-4091-0338-2 
^ elected 348 votes on 690.
^ see « opinion du citoyen jean-marie calès, député du département de la haute-garonne, sur le jugement de louis xvi. imprimée par ordre de la convention nationale » (1793)
^ details of vote of citizen jean-marie calès available on french wikipédia page: votes sur la mort de louis xvi. answers: 1° yes « is louis capet guilty of conspiracy against public liberty , guilty of attacks against general security of state, yes or no? » 2° no « will judgment of national convention against louis capet submitted people s ratification, yes or no? » 3° death « what punishment inflicted on louis ? » 4° no « will there stay execution of judgment of louis capet ? »
^ @ 3rd roll call, question: punishment inflicted on louis?
^ see « notes de jean-marie calès, député de la haute-garonne, sur le plan de constitution présenté par le comité. imprimées par ordre de la convention nationale » (1793)
^ see « suite des notes de jean-marie calès, député de la haute-garonne, sur le plan de constitution présenté par le comité. imprimées par ordre de la convention nationale » (1793)
^ kennedy, m. l. jacobin clubs in french revolution: 1793-1795, p.53. berghahn books, new york: 2000.
^ 1/ army of ardennes, massieu , perrin, decree of june 17, 1793, replace deville, hentz, laporte , milhaud (iv-589). mission confirmed decree of july 19, 1793 (v-300-302). recall decree of october 19, 1793 appoints place bo, coupé , hentz (vii-502). still writes sedan on brumaire 2, year ii (october 23, 1793) (vii-588-589). 2/ in department of côte-d or, decree of vendemiaire 18, year iii (october 9, 1794), purge authorities (xvii-328). received committee of inspectors of chamber 6,000 pounds mission expenses on vendemiaire 19, year iii (october 10, 1794) (an, d * xxxvc 8). still writes on frimaire 8, year iii (november 28, 1794) (without place) (xviii-414). 3/ in besançon (doubs) , neighboring departments, decree of nivose 5, year iii (december 25, 1794), develop industry (xix-88). writes on nivose 8, year iii (december 28, 1794) mission in côte-d or end on nivose 20 (xix-145), writes on nivose 12, year iii (1 january 1st, 1795) announce received decree of 5th , go besancon (xix-221-222). writes besancon on pluviose 1st, year iii (january 20, 1795) (xix-591-592). from: missionnaires de la république (annexes) : tableau des représentants en mission département par département et tableau des représentants en mission auprès des différentes armées de la république / cartes des missions (réalisation : corédoc ©) / michel biard, grhis – normandie université [archive]
^ see « discours du citoyen calès, représentant du peuple à varmée des ardennes, prononcé au champ-de-mars de sedan, le 10 août 1793 »
^ see « j.-marie calès, député de la haute-garonne, à ses collègues, sur les calomnies que quatre à cinq intriguans répandent contre lui, au nom d une société populaire ». paris : impr. de guérin, (s. d.). notice n° : frbnf30186512
^ see « rapport fait par les citoyens calès et perrin, représentans envoyés, par la convention nationale, près l armée des ardennes. imprimé par ordre de la convention nationale » (1793)
^ in « histoire du département de la côte d or », jean-françois bazin, éditions jean-paul gisserot (2004 - 125 pages).
^ « the representative calès had greatest difficulty in dissolving coalition; dismissed revolutionary authorities, chose twenty or thirty of more moderate members of club, , charged them purge others. » in « histoire de la révolution française », adolphe thiers (1823), volume 6 (national convention), chapter xxv
^ on name of french people. order of representative of people j.-marie calés ordering bells broken, churches closed , crosses broken, on frimaire 26, year iii (december 16, 1794). imp. causse, placard.
^ 200 votes
^ see « motion d ordre par calès sur le costume des représentants du peuple. séance du 27 fructidor v ». corps législatif. conseil des cinq-cents. impr. nationale, v. notice n° : frbnf30186519
^ see « rapport fait par j.-m. calès,... au nom de la commission d instruction publique, sur les écoles spéciales de santé. séance du 12 prairial v ». corps législatif. conseil des cinq-cents. paris : impr. nationale, v. notice n° : frbnf30186518
^ see « opinion de j.-m. calès sur les écoles de médecine. séance du 17 germinal vi ». corps législatif. conseil des cinq-cents. paris : impr. nationale, vi. notice n° : frbnf30186522
^ see « discours de calès sur l École polytechnique. séance du 24 nivôse vi » corps législatif. conseil des cinq-cents. paris : impr. nationale, vi. notice n° : frbnf30186520
^ when palais bourbon, owned condé, assembled in domain of state in 1790, was, virtue of decree of second day, year iii, allocated meetings of council of 5 hundred, name of president f. villers engraved on octagonal silver medal architects gisors , lecomte placed under marble of tribune of orators other objects, in particular copper plate bearing: « the council of 5 hundred in second session, on brumaire 26, year vi of french republic, had inscription engraved under presidency of citizen villers , under leadership of citizens of commission of inspectors talot, jacomin, martinel, laa , calès, celebrate making of building. » (see note on françois toussaint villers on website of national assembly)
^ extract following letter (sent liège on october 21, 1833 addressed calès 1 of nephews) gives interesting piece of information life lived in liège. 1 can see former member of convention had not, many of colleagues, repudiated democratic principles. « my dear friend. letter, full of wit , sparkling gaiety, gives me greatest pleasure; remind me of mischievousnesses of youth, of not repent; made me laugh before, why should make me cry now? shall never forget made me bear without difficulty misery, continually heaped on me, have softened bitterness exercise of medicine entails it, divine art in itself, yet detestable him exercises it. uneducated public, ignorant confreres, jealous , envious, give thousand disgusts educated practitioner; know can gain on of that; feel anguish, bear difficulty. tell me nobleman has vexed because parents: not astonish me him; caste low, ill-educated, 1 can expect of fruits of ignorance , prejudice. sure idiot vexed you, if lost place, flat today arrogant then. have seen nobles of flock, such bethune-sully, lagrange, nivernais, rohan, honoring sentinels @ door, , lavishing upon me testimonies of adulatory sentiments, down baseness. i’m citing prove these nobles have no nobility , that, long caste exist, misfortune of france. not wish annihilated, have put inability harm. here position in liège. after living in munich , basel, in switzerland, came liège fifteen years ago. police commissioner wassin confused me brother chrysostôme, whom had served, , proposed me remain @ liège. plan of bourbons push until siberia, , safe asylum was, then, treasure. found here. first occupied myself make theses candidates in medicine, produced me twelve hundred francs year. after, few cures, made noise, attracted me prodigious number of patients, because not belgian doctor, decided give consultations @ house , refused go see patients, excepted if called in consultation doctors, happens sometimes. there no important people had not come me yet, , public has followed example, has given me consideration. helped , pleased lot of people, tries me. free; sober life puts me above need , small income rich man. embrace me sisters. eldest first had courage write me before end of exile. grateful her. justine, whom left child, had friendship. thank giving me news of her. [...] » (in « la révolution française », historical review directed auguste dide, tome x, january–june 1886, paris, charavray frères, editors)


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