Part I: Biblical teaching of the Sacrament The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against the Fanatics

martin luther (left) , huldrych zwingli (right) disagreed real presence of christ s true body, blood , souls.

martin bucer

bugenhagen in 1537 lucas cranach

andreas bodenstein von karlstadt, portrait 1541/42

johannes oecolampadius

caspar schwenckfeld

prior exchange of publications between luther , zwingli, leo jud, pictured above, argued luther held view of zwingli.

what 1 must believe explained clear text , plain words of christ in words of institution. whoever not believe these words has fallen mind trick devised devil , has perspective distorted colored glass . word means in literal way 1 uses common speaking @ dinner table. christ distributes body , blood in sacrament in way similar how distributes himself across entire world.

to claim there must location christ s body present under bread, luther responds soul illocal, yet still present throughout body. lest think real presence great miracle present in churches time, luther cites sprouting of seeds , power of words persuade common, great, proliferating miracles. when objectors cite incompatibility of non-living objects christ, luther reminds them presence of christ in hearts of faithful greater miracle. against lack of entry site christ s body enter bread, luther notes christ entered virgin mary solely through power of word, without noticeable physical entry.

luther noticed inherent danger in appeal christ s ubiquity assert real presence. if christ in things, perhaps can found in things, similar pantheism. luther prevents pantheism joining discussion table limiting search christ god s word alone has authorized. searching christ apart word idolatry.


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