Order: Cetacea .28whales.29 List of mammals of Estonia

harbour porpoise

the order cetacea includes whales, dolphins , porpoises. mammals adapted aquatic life spindle-shaped hairless body, protected thick layer of blubber, , forelimbs , tail modified provide propulsion underwater.

suborder: mysticeti

family: balaenidae (right whales)

genus: eubalaena

north atlantic right whale eubalaena glacialis♠ cr or functionally extinct in eastern atlantic

family: eschrichtiidae (gray whales)

genus: eschrichtius

north atlantic gray whale eschrichtius robustus♠ ex

family: balaenopteridae (rorqual)

subfamily: balaenopterinae

genus: balaenoptera

fin whale balaenoptera physalus♠ en
common minke whale balaenoptera acutorostrata♠ lc

subfamily: megapterinae

genus: megaptera

humpback whale megaptera novaeangliae♠ lc

suborder: odontoceti

family: phocoenidae (porpoises)

genus: phocoena

harbour porpoise phocoena phocoena♠ vu

family: monodontidae (narwhals)

genus: delphinapterus

beluga delphinapterus leucas♠ vu

family: ziphidae (beaked whales)

genus: mesoplodon

sowerby s beaked whale mesoplodon bidens♠ dd

family: delphinidae (marine dolphins)

genus: lagenorhynchus

white-beaked dolphin lagenorhynchus albirostris♠ lr/lc

genus: tursiops

bottlenose dolphin tursiops truncatus♠ dd
genus: orcinus

orca orcinus orca♠ dd

^ regional species extinctions - examples of regional species extinctions on last 1000 years , more.
^ wieder finnwal in der ostsee
^ finnwal in der ostsee gesichtet
^ angler filmt wal in ostsee-bucht
^ minke whale (balaenoptera acutorostrata) - marlin, marine life information network
^ wieder finnwal in der ostsee
^ finnwal in der ostsee gesichtet
^ angler filmt wal in ostsee-bucht
^ beluga - russian geographical society
^ rare sowerby s beaked whale spotted in baltic sea - wdc
^ baltic dolphin sightings confirmed - national
^ orcinus orca (killer whale, orca)


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