Language Culture of Albania

the albanian language occupies independent branch of indo-european language tree, scholars argue albanian derives ancient illyrian language. has 2 distinct dialects, tosk spoken in south, , gheg spoken in north. shkumbin river rough dividing line between 2 dialects.

the language spoken in greece, italy, kosovo, macedonia , montenegro. centuries-old communities speaking albanian-based dialects can found scattered in greece (arvanitika), southern italy, sicily , calabria (arbëreshë), southern serbia , in ukraine. however, due large albanian diaspora, total number of speakers higher native speakers in southern europe. 4 dialects include tosk albanian, gheg albanian, arbëresh , arvanitika.


the mythology of albania consist of myths, legends, folks, fairy tales , gods of albanian people. many characters in mythology included in songs of frontier warriors (albanian: këngë kreshnikësh or cikli kreshnikëve). divided 2 major groups such legends of metamorphosis , historical legends. albanian mythology has origin ancient illyrians, inhabited modern area of albania during classical time. of legends, songs , characters include bardha, baloz, e bukura e dheut, e bukura e qiellit, en, perëndi, prende, tomor , zana e malit.


naum veqilharxhi lawyer , scholar (1797–1854)

the cultural renaissance first of expressed through development of albanian language in area of church texts , publications, of catholic region in north, of orthodox in south. protestant reforms invigorated hopes development of local language , literary tradition when cleric gjon buzuku brought albanian language catholic liturgy, trying albanian language luther did german perople.

the meshari (the missal) gjon buzuku, published in 1555 considered 1 of first literary work of written albanian. refined level of language , stabilised orthography must result of earlier tradition of written albanian, tradition not understood. however, there fragmented evidence, pre-dating buzuku, indicates albanian written @ least 14th century.

parashqevi qiriazi teacher , feminist (1880–1970)

the earliest evidence dates 1332 ad latin report french dominican guillelmus adae, archbishop of antivari, wrote albanians used latin letters in books although language quite different latin. other significant examples include: baptism formula (unte paghesont premenit atit et birit et spertit senit) 1462, written in albanian within latin text bishop of durrës, pal engjëlli; glossary of albanian words of 1497 arnold von harff, german had travelled through albania, , 15th-century fragment of bible gospel of matthew, in albanian, written in greek letters.

albanian writings these centuries must not have been religious texts only, historical chronicles too. mentioned humanist marin barleti, who, in book rrethimi shkodrës (the siege of shkodër) (1504), confirms leafed through such chronicles written in language of people (in vernacula lingua) famous biography of skanderbeg historia de vita et gestis scanderbegi epirotarum principis (history of skanderbeg) (1508). history of skanderbeg still foundation of scanderbeg studies , considered albanian cultural treasure, vital formation of albanian national self-consciousness.

during 16th , 17th centuries, catechism e mbësuame krishterë (christian teachings) lekë matrënga in 1592, doktrina e krishterë (the christian doctrine) in 1618 , rituale romanum in 1621 pjetër budi, first writer of original albanian prose , poetry, apology george castriot in 1636 frang bardhi, published dictionary , folklore creations, theological-philosophical treaty cuneus prophetarum (the band of prophets) in 1685 pjetër bogdani, universal personality of albanian middle ages, published in albanian. today, famous albanian writer ismail kadare.


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