History Felgueiras (Resende)

remnants of megalithic circle used celestial observatory in foothills of mount são cristóvão

the historical chapel of santo espírito

the toponymy of region comes latin term filicarias, means land of fetos, portuguese ferns. origin, came roman explorers in region:

...well established in cárquere, romans did not decease exploration area...in direction of mount são cristóvão, encountered ferns in directions...felgueiras appeared in way, name, linked roman colony of cárquere and, certainly, in primordial history.

yet, settlement did not begin romans. in mountains of são cristóvão, around felgueiras, several mounds have been discovered, remnants of castros dating neolithic. digs in september 1994, near chapel of são cristóvão (under direction of eduardo jorge) discovered remnants of megalithic cromlechs , other constructions, dating third or fourth millennium a.d., used astronomic observatory. cromlech used calendar mark seasons and/or sanctuary tribal divinities. historians continue refer these settlements pre-celtic, have been ligures or turduli, common in iberian peninsula.

moorish occupation in region led names common in toponymy, such alcoreiro, albaredo , alborda. appearance of sanfins , são cristóvão, after reconquista in 10th , 11th century. felgueiras first appeared in 13th century (1258), during inventory , administrative inquiries of king afonso iii, part of honra de resende, pertained descendents of egas moniz. in these documents first settlements in area of felgueiras identified: firoos (ferrós), veyroos, pumeiral (pimeirol), vineais (vinhais) , cyringos, belong parish of felgueiras. in 1227 document, domingos mendes donates parish monastery of salzedas, on death in order find absolution , in order buried in monastery, in addition receiving benefits of order of cister.

another document, in 1234, dórdia pires donated small home in felgueiras monastery. likewise, in 1229, alda vasques donated 2 residences in felgueiras, 1 in ceringos , 2 in pimentel. when king manuel provided foral (royal charter) in 1513 honra de resende, felgueiras became parish of municipality, under jurisdiction of noble of resende.

the first building dedicated local junta de freguesia (portuguese: parish council), constructed in 1981, in outeiro espírito santo, along road felgueiras monte de são cristóvão.


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