Places postulated as Aztl.C3.A1n Aztlán

depiction of departure aztlán in 16th-century codex boturini

while aztlán has many trappings of myth, similar tamoanchan, chicomoztoc, tollan, , cibola, archaeologists have nonetheless attempted identify geographic place of origin mexica.

friar diego durán (c. 1537–1588), chronicled history of aztecs, wrote of aztec emperor moctezuma s attempt recover history of mexica congregating warriors , wise men on expedition locate aztlán. according durán, expedition successful in finding place offered characteristics unique aztlán. however, accounts written shortly after conquest of tenochtitlan , before accurate mapping of american continent made; therefore, unable provide precise location.

there lake around cerro culiacan, lake yuriria, makes mountain island when photographed water, , similar illustration @ right.

in 1887, mexican anthropologist alfredo chavero claimed aztlán located on pacific coast in state of nayarit. while disputed contemporary scholars, achieved popular acceptance.

eduardo matos moctezuma presumes aztlán somewhere in modern-day states of guanajuato, jalisco, , michoacán. indeed, scholars consistent in naming measures of 150 leagues tenochtitlan documented spanish scribes taking notes conquered mexica distance place of origin, coinciding in ways @ chicomoztoc, cerro del culiacan , indeed humped mountain when seen south face.


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