Book of Mormon narrative Nephites

it accepted historical fact church of jesus christ of latter-day saints (lds church) nephites existed.


from time nephites arrived in america reign of mosiah ii (c. 592–91 bc), nephites ruled kings. nephi s brother jacob explains subsequent kings bore title nephi.

the people having loved nephi exceedingly … desirous retain in remembrance name. , whoso should reign in stead called people second nephi, third nephi, , forth, according reigns of kings; , called people, let them of whatever name would.


the last nephite king mosiah ii. 91 bc, declared that, instead of naming new king, finish out reign king, after nephites elect judges govern them. there @ least 3 levels of judges: 1 chief judge, several higher judges, , several lower judges. (some passages speak of multiple chief judges, synonymous higher judges ; e.g., alma 62:47; 3 nephi 6:21)

judges paid according amount of time spent officiating. mosiah ii set rate @ 1 senine of gold (or equivalent senum of silver) 1 day s work (alma 11:1, 3). arranged checks in system avert corruption as possible. explained:

and if ye have judges, , not judge according law has been given, ye can cause may judged of higher judge.

if higher judges not judge righteous judgments, ye shall cause small number of lower judges should gathered together, , shall judge higher judges, according voice of people.

after announcing governmental shift kings judges, mosiah explained principle behind change:

the sins of many people have been caused iniquities of kings… not common voice of people desireth contrary right; common lesser part of people desire not right; therefore shall ye observe , make law—to business voice of people.

the system of judges lasted 120 years, when briefly overthrown 3 years (c. 30–33 ad) aristocratic cadre led man named jacob. replaced loose system of tribes , kinships, lasted until jesus appeared in america , established society approached ideals of zion. society last 2 centuries before people fell wickedness again.

after fourth nephi, no mention made of whether nephites used judges or kings. mormon mentions lamanites had king (mormon 2:9). inclusion of detail, phrased is, seen contrast nephites having chief judge. coupled fact no change in government form mentioned after fourth nephi, assumed nephites continued use judges until destruction in c. ad 385.


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