Biography Mikhail Savoyarov

mikhail savoyarov postcard (1914)

in 1914 savoyarov published first collection of texts of own composition , joined society of dramatists , composers. @ age of 40 wrote best songs , reached height of fame. savoyarov’s favorite character flâneur of high society, dandy, petty bourgeois, low dives frequenter rumpled or well-pressed dress coat , top hat or bowler on, cane in hand , chrysanthemum in buttonhole. savoyarov used mask of criminal, , such cases composed special topical songs. 1 of them represented author: “i’m thief , that’s i’m proud of, , name savoyarov”. playing “himself” on stage typical of work.

there times when limited popularity satirist , humourist burden savoyarov trying break through genre barrier of high poetry such works dramatic melodeclamation titled glory russian woman (of military-patriotic character) or dramatic scene aviator’s death didn’t have success.

savoyarov’s popularity reached peak 1916–1917. comic topical songs such kisanka, walked, thank kindly, our culture, because of ladies reissued , many times , popular quote, , eccentric scene “moon oh moon, drunk indeed?” sung literally in petrograd. countless couplets of our culture had particularly big success. many actors included them repertoires author’s consent , repeatedly “stole” them. reproachful chorus of song (“here’s fruits of education, here’s our culture!”) used different authors create renewed versions of late 1920s.

during 1915–1917, many of savoyarov’s topical songs notable satirical , political jokes. therefore not of them published being censored , abridged in number of couplets.

during wartime, savoyarov met aleksandr blok attended concerts in cinemas , café chantant dozen times in 1914–1918. blok brought actors recited poems , plays onstage. in 1918 persistently showed savoyarov’s performances wife l.d. mendeleyeva-blok “adopt” eccentric manner (for reading twelve poem). vsevolod meyerhold attended savoyarov’s concerts while working on play balaganchik (‘the puppet show’). according blok, savoyarov’s balaganchik “way better ours”. here’s 1 of notes on subject blok wrote in journals:

...liuba saw savoyarov plays on tour in miniature close us. — why measuring ounces of alexandrians’ talent perform after lunch , before dinner if there’s real art in ‘miniature’?...

— aleksandr blok, sketchbooks (20 march 1918).

mikhail savoyarov playing role of criminal, postcard (1915)

blok didn’t recite twelve himself cause couldn’t well. wife performed reading of poem. however, according audience listened twelve performed liubov dmitriyevna did poorly, falling bad theatricism. big woman massive arms bare shoulders rushing on stage dramatically shouting , gesticulating, sitting down , jumping again. seemed of audience blok didn’t listening lyubov dmitriyevna’s reading either. unlikely truth because blok advising , showing how recite poem. that’s why taking lyubov dmitriyevna savoyarov’s concerts. apparently blok believed twelve poem should recited in specific rough , eccentric manner, way savoyarov did playing role of criminal st. petersburg. blok himself didn’t know , didn’t learn how recite. have become, put it, ‘variety poet , singer of satirical songs’ himself.

savoyarov didn’t leave unanswered. specially famous guest of concerts wrote few mock verses imitating ‘with delicate irony’ blok’s popular lines or intonation (for example: “a night. street. lamp. drugstore” turned “a store. crowd. low price”). being aware blok in audience savoyarov performed such satirical songs him. live dialogue between 2 poets during concert delighted public.

the october revolution destroyed life of russia, including cultural. day of 7 november 1917 drew line in mikhail savoyarov’s biography, cutting short career actor @ high tide.

as aleksandr blok, savoyarov tried cooperate new authority during first years after proletarian revolution . headed petrograd variety actors’ union 3 years. supplanted ‘real’ proletarian actors. during 1920s savoyarov endeavoured relevant, referring new soviet themes, kept on writing , performing. among songs performed second wife, artiste yelena nikitina (1899–1973) successful operetta proletarian’s song , love song parody you’re still same decadent intonations of vertinsky derided.

savoyarov continued give concerts on ussr until 1930. on 50 @ time. repertoire of time includes satirical songs thing happen! (in charleston beat), monologues in «rayok» genre (rhymed humorous talk shows , special kind of rhymed prose) such say, we’re going far; want love whole world (1925), musical feuilleton “records, big deal!” (1929), parody song little bricks , other. savoyarov couldn’t repeat petrograd success of 1915.

by 1930s, savoyarov stopped giving concerts. political situation in country stood stock-still, socialist associations of creative professions formed , became impossible organize concerts independently. bolshevik party didn t welcome eccentric, satirical in particular.

in 1933 savoyarov moved leningrad moscow lived rest 7 years of life. died (or killed?) month , half after war on germany started. on 4 august 1941 mikhail savoyarov died of heart rupture during bombing in 43 lesnaya street gateway. wouldn’t hide in bombshelter during air raids.


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