Physical description Isanesvara Siva Temple

1 physical description

1.1 surrounding
1.2 orientation
1.3 plan & elevation
1.4 raha niche & parsvadevatas
1.5 decorative feature
1.6 property type

physical description

the temple surrounded paradaresvara temple in west, gosagaresvara temple in north-west , minor siva temple in south-west, lingarajaa mandapa in northern side, , in eastern side there modern compound , across wall there paddy field.


the temple facing towards east.

plan & elevation

on plan, temple pancharatha having square vimana renovated frontal porch extending towards east. vimana measures 3.0 square metres 0.60 porch of 0.60 metres. on elevation, vimana in rekha order usual bada, gandi , mastaka measures 7.30 metres in height khura kalasa. bada of vimana has 5 vertical divisions measuring 2.20 metres in height pabhaga(0.51 metres), tala jangha (0.45 metres), bandhana (0.22 metres), upara jangha (0.46 metres) , baranda (0.57) metres in height. gandi of vimana above baranda measuring 3.60 metres distinguished central raha , pair of anuratha , kanika pagas on either side of raha. curvilinear spire. mastaka has components beki, amlaka. khapuri , kalasa measures 1.50 metres in height.

raha niche & parsvadevatas

the parsvadevata niches on 3 sides uniformly measuring 0.40 metres in height, 0.28 metres in width , 0.20 metres in depth empty. beneath niches plain talagarvika while above niches in urdhvagarvika.

decorative feature

the base of gandi above baranda decorated series of miniature rekha deuls surmounted udyota simha in each raha paga.

doorjamb: doorjamb of recent addition made out of renovation work , beneath door frame there 2 khakhara-mundi niches found.

lintel: graha architrave plain due renovation.

property type

the temple has rekha deul typology , temple building.

building material: coarse grained sand stone.

construction techniques: dry masonry.

style kalinga architecture


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