Career Zhang Guohua

1 career

1.1 tibet campaign
1.2 sino-indian war
1.3 cultural revolution


leaders of tibet work committee visiting dalai lama @ norbulingka palace, lhasa, november 1951. left: jigyab khembo ngawang namgye, li jue, wang qimei, zhang guohua, 14th dalai lama, zhang jingwu, tan guansan, liu zhengguo, , phünwang.

tibet campaign

zhang guohua 1950

as commander of southwest eighteenth army corps of people s liberation army, led main attack force in 1950 qamdo campaign against tibetan forces. zhang chosen special knowledge of tibetan culture; mao zedong did not want alienate tibetans , gave strict instructions united front work respecting local religion , customs. in contrast leader of northwest army, fan ming, supported dalai lama , avoided marching city after victory. zhang seized position of secretary of cpc tibet committee 1950 1952, until mao zedong, on learning of power struggle fan, replaced him zhang jingwu secretary. still, zhang headed tibet work committee, negotiate items in seventeen point agreement peaceful liberation of tibet. zhang made passing reference negotiations in memoirs. zhang resume position secretary 1965 1967.

sino-indian war

on october 10, 1962 zhang attended meeting of military leaders outside beijing. there, endorsed summary zhou enlai because india chose occupy disputed territory china, instead of peacefully resolving border demarcation nepal, burma, , mongolia, nehru has closed roads. leaves war. commander of tibet military region, zhang present formal decision go war india in self-defense @ politboro meeting of october 18. mao asked problems plan, , suggested underestimating indian armed forces, zhang reassured him. zhang people s liberation army ground force field commander during sino-indian war.

cultural revolution

in february 1967, @ beginning of cultural revolution, 3 divisions of red guards tried oust zhang guohua governorship in lhasa. using armor, succeeded in repressing them, , negotiated central government moved sichuan form revolutionary committee. served governor of sichuan 1968 1972.


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