Weapon systems and sensors Parchim-class corvette

russian corvette kazanets

for air defence, ships equipped 1 double-barrel ak-230 30 mm gun , 1 double-barrel ak-725 57 mm gun. ak-725 double 57 mm aa gun, designed in 1959, directed esp-72 fire control system, received ranging , target bearing information mr 103 (nato codename muff cob ) radar. mr 103 had 1.30 m (4.3 ft) parabolic radar dish, optical camera system slaved it, backup system in case of failure or heavy ew environment. barrels of gun water-cooled , belt-fed, each belt containing 550 rounds, first round had manually chambered. in emergency, turret manually operated optical fire control system. mr 103 radar system, outdated when parchims developed, used 1950s-style electromechanical systems, built around vacuum tubes. result, wasn t considered effective anti-missile system, or ciws (close-in weapon system), evidenced soviet training accident in 1987 when test missile drone accidentally locked in on small soviet navy training vessel. although ship s ak-725 system kept firing until moment of impact, no hits scored , ship destroyed resulting fire, allegedly killing 39 crew members.

the ak-230 gun automatic, stabilized, nn-30 double-barrel, water-cooled, four-chamber revolver cannon. guns had 1,000 round per minute (rpm) rate of fire , fed independent 500 round ammunition belts. regular associated radar system (nato codename) drum tilt radar, not used in parchim class. according sources ak-230 not linked drum tilt muff cob radar system, disputed old east german naval sources. according these east german sources, ak-230 gun on parchim-class corvette optically guided, thereby leaving parchim class without effective ciws, , therefore unable counter anti-shipping missiles.

there 2 sa-n-5 (naval sa-7 or strela ii) manpad positions aboard parchims. without effective, radar guided sam missile system, parchims left vulnerable enemy precision guided anti-shipping weapons. major restriction , confined parchims brown water coastal operations, close protective air force , air defence umbrella.

the air search radar ubiquitous (nato codename) strut curve radar. radar had 4 m (13 ft) parabolic radar dish, worked in f-band frequency, , had respectable 60 nautical miles (110 km) radar range against aircraft flying @ 5,000 m (16,000 ft) height, , less respectable 20 nautical miles (40 km) radar range against surface shipping or low flying aircraft. electronic defense suite basic, , consisted of iff (identification friend or foe) receiver , transmitter, , eloka multiband passive rwr antenna slaved double 16-cell chaff dispenser. in all, air defence - or lack of 1 - restrictive factor in tactical usefulness of parchim design.

anti-submarine warfare

a major evolution on old hai iii design new hydro-acoustic system. sonar suite consisted of bow sonar , variable depth dipping sonar. sonarscreen panoramic, meaning gave 2 dimensional radarscope-like view of surrounding waters. major improvement on old auditive system in hai iii class. weakness of old hai iii inability see through water layers different temperatures. while sound propagates pretty in water of same temperature, gets disturbed modest differences in water temperature. in hot summer months these natural occurring phenomena give submarines easy hide out probable subchasing surface vessels. solution use of dipping sonar , in way nothing more small sonar attached long cable. using device parchim s sonar system able search different water layers.

the parchims provided capable anti-submarine warfare weapons. 400 mm (16 in) torpedo tubes loaded acoustical and/or wire guided torpedoes. gave parchims precision submarine strike capability. 2 rbu-6000 depth charge rocket launchers created barrier defense against submarines, incoming torpedoes , frogmen. though relatively unsophisticated western standards, rbu-6000 successful , popular system, used on many small or large surface ships. consisted of twelve launch tubes unguided rockets, armed compact powerful depth charge. rockets directed changing angle of tubes , thereby ballistics of unguided rockets. launcher elevate between -15° , +60°, , traverse 180°, each launcher covering 1 side of ship. range between 350 m , 6000 m, , charges reach 500 m deep. rockets, rgb-60 s, weighed 110 kg (240 lb) of 25 kg (55 lb) high-explosive warhead. ammunition swiftly , automatically reloaded magazine below deck, turning tubes 90° vertically. maximum magazine capacity 96 rounds. whole system remotely directed burya fire control system. rbu-6000 used shore bombardment. parchims able drop bigger , more powerful depth charges, , transport , lay 60 mines.


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