Virginia and North Carolina Nullified the Great Grant 1777 Great Grant Deed

1 virginia , north carolina nullified great grant 1777

1.1 action virginia
1.2 action north carolina
1.3 restitution henderson & co.: green river tract
1.4 restitution henderson & co: powell valley tract

virginia , north carolina nullified great grant 1777
action virginia

although aware of pending treaty in january 1775, virginia governor dunsmore ( lord dunsmore) learned of great grant transaction within 4 days of signing. began series of events resulting in hearings before virginia convention wherein many individuals deposed learn transpired. final determination section 14 of declaration of rights required territorial integrity under virginia constitution. territory west of line mouth of great kanawa point on holston river 6 miles upstream long island of holston virginia territory. virginia did not recognize transylvania colony nullification virginia act in december 1778

action north carolina

north carolina governor martin issued proclamation of opposition in february 1775 in opposition. subsequently in accord virginia , voices of watauga settlers demanding clarification of boundaries, north carolina nullified transylvania colony , asserted sovereignty on western territory. western territory declared washington district , included of tennessee. action formally transpired in november 1777. involvement of north carolina in great grant dealings not significant of virginia. lands in question cumberland river dipped south of stated north carolina/virginia boundary of 36° 30’ had never been surveyed. survey needed , richard henderson became 1 of 6 commissioners run line in 1779.

restitution henderson & co.: green river tract

the virginia convention having nullified great grant , transylvania colony recognized richard henderson & co. had in fact made positive effort , recompense in order. convention made grant of 200,000 acres company.

the map depicts tract of ground containing 200,000 acres granted virginia convention richard henderson , company in 1778. tract lies on kentucky side of ohio , includes present town of henderson.

on wednesday, november 4, 1778, virginia house of delegates: resolved, purchases of lands made or made of indians within chartered bounds of commonwealth, described constitution or form of government, private persons not authorized public authority, void. resolved, purchase heretofore made colonel henderson & co., of cherokee indians void. said richard henderson , company have been @ great expense in making said purchase, , in settling said lands, commonwealth receive great advantage increasing inhabitants, , establishing barrier against indians, , reasonable allow said richard henderson & co. compensation trouble , expense.

on tuesday, november 17, these resolution of house agreed senate , few weeks afterwards-

it enacted general assembly of virginia, tract of land situate, lying , being on waters of ohio , green rivers, , bounded follows, wit: beginning @ mouth of green river, thence running same twelve , one-half miles, when reduced straight line, thence running @ right angles said reduced lines, twelve , 1 half miles each side of river, thence running lines termination of line extended on each side of green river, @ right angles same, till said lines intersect ohio, said river ohio shall western boundary of said trace, be, , same hereby granted said richard henderson & co., , heirs tenants in common, subject payment

restitution henderson & co: powell valley tract

years later, in 1783, north carolina determined richard henderson , co.

the drawing map drawn surveyors of property granted henderson & co. property lies along powell river between cumberland mountain , powell mountain. westerly line line of great grant extends form path grant , boundary on south contiguous path grant. second tract on clinch river further west in tennessee. taken total said 200,000 acres. tract noted in yellow #2 on great grant map below.

should compensated efforts , portion of grant lands nullified. grant made 190,000 acres in powell valley curiously, land grant north carolina henderson & co in virginia. grant made in 2 tracts did include acreage further west in anderson county tennessee.


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