Science Prometheus in popular culture

prometheus theodoor rombouts (1597–1637)

the myth of prometheus, theme of invention , discovery, has been used in science-related names , metaphor scientific progress.

the cloned horse prometea, , prometheus, moon of saturn, named after titan, asteroid 1809 prometheus.
the name of sixty-first element, promethium, derived prometheus.
the prometheus society high iq society. name of magazine, gift of fire, explained ancient association of fire mental gifts.
prometheus books, publishing company scientific, educational, , popular books, relating secular humanism or scientific skepticism, takes name myth.
the prometheus award given libertarian futurist society libertarian science fiction.
in 1983 robert anton wilson published non-fiction book called prometheus rising (which followed quantum psychology)
scientific , medical literature liver regeneration alludes prometheus , devouring , daily regrowth of liver. think myth indicates ancient greeks knew liver’s remarkable capacity self-repair. greek word liver, hēpar, hepat- (ἧπαρ, cf. english hepatitis , hepatology , etc.) derived verb hēpaomai (ἠπάομαι), meaning mend, repair . while others doubt significance greek medical knowledge, prometheus s name associated biomedical companies involved in regenerative medicine.

^ prometheus society website.
^ see arguments ancient greeks knowledge of liver regeneration in chen t , chen p (1994), journal of royal society of medicine 87(12): 754-755.
^ lsj entry ἠπάομαι meaning mend, repair
^ counterargument provided power c , rasko j (2008). whither prometheus liver? greek myth , science of regeneration . annals of internal medicine 149(6): 421-426.


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