Romani Code Romani society and culture

romani code, or romano zakono, important part of romanipen. set of rules romani life.

though romani ethnic groups have different sets of rules, rules common all. rules considered romani code, , rules differ called customs . oral romani cultures adhere romani code, these communities geographically spread. there proverbs romani code , customs, such as:

there exist many customs many romani groups. (kitsyk roma, dakitsyk obychaye in ruska roma s dialect)
there many romani groups, 1 law. (romen isy but, zakono yekh in ruska roma s , kaldarash dialects)

rules of romani code describe relationships inside romani community , set limits customs, behavior , other aspects of life.

the romani code not written; romani people keep alive in oral tradition.

the kris traditional institution upholding , enforcing romani code.

the code can summarised in pillars; main pillar representing polar ideas of baxt (pronounced baht ) meaning honour , ladž meaning shame. linking article above in reference purity can represent idea of being pure or clean , impure , unclean honourable, in romani culture, celebrate baxt being generous , displaying success public. focus on generosity means sharing food of great importance groups of romani people. making lavish meals share other rom visitors commonplace , in cases not having food share considered shameful.


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