Order of banishment John Wheelwright

john winthrop governor , presiding judge when wheelwright banished massachusetts colony.

the next session of general court began on 2 november 1637 @ meeting house on spring street in newtown. wheelwright biographer charles bell wrote purpose of meeting rid colony of sectaries not dragooned abandonment of convictions . 1 of first orders of business on monday deal wheelwright, case had been long deferred winthrop in hopes might see error of ways. when asked if ready confess offenses, wheelwright responded not guilty, had preached nothing truth of christ, , not responsible application [the other ministers] made of . winthrop painted picture of peaceful colony before wheelwright s arrival, , how after fast-day sermon boston men refused join pequot war effort, pastor wilson slighted, , controversy arose in town meetings. court urged him leave colony voluntarily, not do, seeing such move being admission of guilt. wheelwright steadfast in demeanor, not sentenced court adjourned evening. on tuesday, after further argument in case, court declared him guilty , read sentence:

mr. john wheelwright being formerly convicted of contempt , sedition, , justifying himselfe , former practise, being disturbance of civill peace, hee court disfranchized , banished.

wheelwright given until march leave colony, when ordered not preach during interim, refused, , given 2 weeks depart jurisdiction. when asked give security peaceful departure, declined, later realized futility of defiance after spending night in custody. when directed not preach during 2 weeks of preparation, again refused, , time court determined such injunction not worth pursuing.


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