Obama campaign Jon Favreau (speechwriter)

president barack obama meets jon favreau, in oval office review speech april 14, 2009. official white house photo pete souza.

favreau has declared speeches of robert kennedy , michael gerson have influenced work, , has expressed admiration peggy noonan s speechwriting, citing talk given ronald reagan @ pointe du hoc favorite noonan speech. gerson admires favreau s work, , sought him out @ obama new hampshire campaign rally speak younger speechwriter. primary writer of obama s inauguration address of january 2009. guardian describes process follows: inaugural speech has shuttled between them [obama , favreau] 4 or 5 times, following initial hour-long meeting in president-elect spoke vision address, , favreau took notes on computer. favreau went away , spent weeks on research. team interviewed historians , speechwriters, studied periods of crisis, , listened past inaugural orations. when ready, took residence in starbucks in washington , wrote first draft.


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