Management.2Fcontrol Pratylenchus penetrans

1 management/control

1.1 initial inoculum
1.2 resistance
1.3 cultural practices
1.4 control practices
1.5 newer methods

initial inoculum

the best way prevent disease caused pratylenchus penetrans prevent initial introduction of inoculum field. without nematodes in field disease cannot occur, there few fields not infected amount of root lesion nematodes. 1 way can done through fumigation of field prior planting decrease number of nematodes in field.


there resistant varieties of hosts not affected pathogen. moderate resistance presently limited few cultivated crops including forage legumes , potato. there not many varieties high degree of resistance has been shown peconic , hudson varieties of potato have shown resistance.

cultural practices

there cultural practices can helpful in management of p. penetrans including clean planting stock, fallowing, , cover crops. crop rotation not feasible in management of disease because of wide host range of pathogen. rotations nonhost crops offers limited opportunities due nematodes being able live in soil.

control practices

chemical control has been shown have best effect on levels on nematode concentrations. nematicides put on field prior planting has been shown reduce inoculum levels, may have negative effects on crop planted. pre-plant fumigation effective reduce field population levels below economic damage thresholds.

newer methods

an area of ongoing research using ornamental species reduce inoculum levels of nematodes in fields. growing tagetes marigolds has been shown reduce pratylenchus numbers 90%. other ornamentals such helenium, gaillardia, , eriophyllum suppress p. penetrans.

all of these tactics require accurate diagnosis of species , identification of population levels assessed soil , root samples taken field. factors expense , types of crops have influences on types of control methods employed. when combating pratylenchus penetrans several methods of control , management employed controlling disease.


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