Origins and role Australian House of Representatives

the australian house of representatives in 1901

the commonwealth of australia constitution act (imp.) of 1900 established house of representatives part of new system of dominion government in newly federated australia. house presided on speaker. members of house elected single member electorates (geographic districts, commonly referred seats officially known divisions of australian house of representatives ). 1 vote 1 value legislation requires electorates have approximately same number of voters maximum 10% variation. however, baseline quota number of voters in electorate determined number of voters in state in electorate found. consequently, electorates of smallest states , territories have more variation in number of voters in electorates, larger seats fenner containing more double electors of smaller seats lingiari. meanwhile, states except tasmania have electorates approximately within same 10% tolerance, electorates holding 85,000 105,000 voters. federal electorates have boundaries redrawn or redistributed whenever state or territory has number of seats adjusted, if electorates not matched population size or if 7 years have passed since recent redistribution. voting preferential system , known instant-runoff voting. full allocation of preferences required vote considered formal. allows calculation of two-party-preferred vote.

under section 24 of constitution, each state entitled members based on population quota determined latest statistics of commonwealth. these statistics arise census conducted under auspices of section 51(xi). until repeal 1967 referendum, section 127 prohibited inclusion of aboriginal people in section 24 determinations including indigenous peoples alter distribution of seats between states benefit of states larger aboriginal populations. section 127, along section 25 (allowing race-based disqualification of voters states) , race power, have been described racism built australia s constitutional dna, , modifications prevent lawful race-based discrimination have been proposed.

the parliamentary entitlement of state or territory established electoral commissioner dividing number of people of commonwealth twice number of senators. known nexus provision . reasons twofold, maintain constant influence smaller states , maintain constant balance of 2 houses in case of joint sitting after double dissolution. population of each state , territory divided quota determine number of members each state , territory entitled. under australian constitution original states guaranteed @ least 5 members. federal parliament has decided australian capital territory , northern territory should have @ least 1 member each.

according constitution, powers of both houses equal, consent of both houses needed pass legislation. difference relates taxation legislation. in practice, convention, person can control majority of votes in lower house invited governor-general form government. in practice means leader of party (or coalition of parties) majority of members in house becomes prime minister, can nominate other elected members of government party in both house , senate become ministers responsible various portfolios , administer government departments. bills appropriating money (supply bills) can introduced in lower house , party majority in lower house can govern. in current australian party system, ensures virtually contentious votes along party lines, , government has majority in votes.

the opposition party s main role in house present arguments against government s policies , legislation appropriate, , attempt hold government accountable as possible asking questions of importance during question time , during debates on legislation. contrast, period in recent times during government of day has had majority in senate july 2005 (following 2004 election) december 2007 (following coalition s defeat @ federal election year). hence, votes in senate more meaningful. house s well-established committee system not prominent senate committee system because of frequent lack of senate majority.

frontbench , dispatch box

the house of representatives chamber @ old parliament house, canberra, parliament met between 1927 , 1988

in reflection of united kingdom house of commons, predominant colour of furnishings in house of representatives green. however, colour tinted in new parliament house (opened 1988) suggest colour of eucalyptus trees. also, unlike house of commons, seating arrangement of crossbench curved, similar curved seating arrangement of united states house of representatives. suggests more collaborative, , less oppositional, system in united kingdom parliament (where members of parliament seated facing opposite side).

australian parliaments notoriously rowdy, mps trading colourful insults. result, speaker has use disciplinary powers granted him or under standing orders.

since 2015, australian federal police officers armed assault rifles have been present in both chambers of federal parliament.


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