Expenses claims Bill Cash

cash cleared on appeal in february 2010 former high court judge , president of court of appeal, rt hon sir paul kennedy after reported on 28 may 2009, in swirl of stories surrounding 2009 parliamentary expenses scandal, cash had claimed £15,000 paid daughter, laetitia cash, prospective conservative candidate, rent notting hill flat, when had mortgaged flat of own few miles away, son sam cash staying in rent-free. year, getting married, wasn t there. other flat wasn t round corner, in westminster. done through rules, said on newsnight. following day cash announced had agreed pay money back. cash rejected calls resignation , said hopeful of getting fair hearing. david cameron said have ordered cash co-operate or risk having conservative whip withdrawn.

cash faced no-confidence vote secret ballot constituency party on 2 july 2009. was, however, re-selected overwhelming support on 98% of vote. cash received personal letter of support conservative leader david cameron before meeting thanking cash tireless contribution make work of parliament. have long record of serving constituents commitment , integrity. kennedy, in letter cash regarding appeal, wrote: in judgment there special reasons why not fair , equitable require repayment of money. in 2004–05 paid rent accommodation. such rent recoverable under rules existed @ time unless there evidence of impropriety. there no such evidence in case.


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