Evolution and religion Social effects of evolutionary theory

1 evolution , religion

1.1 evolution , roman catholic church
1.2 islamic views on evolution
1.3 jewish views on evolution

evolution , religion

before darwin s argument , presentation of evidence evolution, western religions discounted or condemned claims diversity of life result of evolutionary process, did scientists in english scientific establishment. however, evolution accepted religious groups such unitarian church , liberal anglican theologians went on publish essays , reviews. many scientists in france , scotland , in england, notably robert edmund grant. literal or authoritative interpretations of scripture hold supreme being directly created humans , other animals separate created kinds, means species. view commonly referred creationism. 1920s present in us, there has been strong religious backlash teaching of evolution theory, particularly conservative evangelicals. have expressed concerns effects of teaching of evolution on society , faith (see creation-evolution controversy).

in response wide scientific acceptance of theory of evolution, many religions have formally or informally synthesized scientific , religious viewpoints. several important 20th century scientists (fisher, dobzhansky) work confirmed darwin s theory, christians saw no incompatibility between experimental , theoretical confirmations of evolution , faith. religions have adopted theistic evolution viewpoint, god provides divine spark ignited process of evolution , (or), god has guided evolution in 1 way or another.

evolution , roman catholic church

the roman catholic church, beginning in 1950 pope pius xii s encyclical humani generis, took neutral position regard evolution. church not forbid that...research , discussions, on part of men experienced in both fields, take place regard doctrine of evolution, in far inquires origin of human body coming pre-existent , living matter. [1]

in october 22, 1996, address pontifical academy of science, pope john paul ii updated church s position, recognizing evolution more hypothesis - in encyclical humani generis, predecessor pius xii has affirmed there no conflict between evolution , doctrine of faith regarding man , vocation... today, more half-century after appearance of encyclical, new findings lead toward recognition of evolution more hypothesis. in fact remarkable theory has had progressively greater influence on spirit of researchers, following series of discoveries in different scholarly disciplines. [2]

islamic views on evolution

classical figures have not discussed subject has come in 19th century. contemporaries have come several distinct stances. 1 stance adaptation, or evolution on micro scale, accepted within species, cross-species evolution, evolution 1 species species, not human beginning considered miraculous. however, traditional thought not conflict view human-like beings have been created around same time human beings, which, in view, explain fossil records human not. stance since evolution simplest explanation reasonable accept under condition not random occurs permission of god every step of way. 1 particular argument supports idea evolution possible 1 stating in stages of human development in evolution akin distinct stages of development acknowledged in koran. final stance rejects cross-species evolution across organisms, approves of adaptation (micro evolution).

jewish views on evolution


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