Career Russ Baker

in 2008 book family of secrets, baker outlines alleged historic connections between bush family central intelligence agency, , asserts president george h.w. bush linked watergate scandal , assassination of john f. kennedy. lev grossman of time magazine said baker connects dots between bushes , watergate, far-fetchedly describes not ham-handed act of political espionage orchestrated farce designed take down president richard nixon.

family of secrets contends first president bush became intelligence agent in teenage years , later @ center of plot assassinate kennedy included father, prescott bush, vice president lyndon b. johnson, cia director allen dulles, cuban , russian exiles , emigrants, , various texas oilmen. asserts bob woodward of washington post intelligence agent conspired john dean remove president richard nixon office opposing oil depletion allowance.

the book received scathing reviews. writing in los angeles times, media critic tim rutten called book dispiriting tome example of paranoid literature. said baker recklessly impugns, in disgusting possible way, reputations not of men , women dead, of living, rutten said though george h.w. bush not sue libel, using tissue of innuendo, illogical inference, circumstance , guilt tenuous association -- baker in book -- indict rhetorically anyone, let alone former chief executive, of infamous murder reprehensible calumny.

journalistic approach

in january 2015 profile, boston magazine said on past decade, baker has abandoned mainstream media , become key player on fringe, walking murky line between conventional investigative journalist , wild-eyed conspiracy theorist. baker has raised questions boston marathon bombings, , not willing rule out possibility bombings false-flag operation conducted or permitted elements of american government in order justify homeland security complex.” argues fbi recruited boston marathon bomber tamerlan tsarnaev agent or informant, fbi has categorically denied.

boston said lot easier dismiss baker nut , move on if weren’t 3 decades of award-winning investigative-reporting experience.

baker says focuses on deep politics , engages in forensic journalism in digs deeper stories mainstream media. journalist bill moyers calls him “indefatigable researcher whom learn subject hadn’t known. columbia journalism review profile observed critics reject view mainstream journalism fails dig, reporters warned not go farther evidence warrants, , baker sees audacity cover sloppy reporting.

rutten said baker once may have been serious , talented journalist became “mesmerized idea of secrets , great seduction. causes lose perspective , balance.”


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