Bodies of work Christopher Bucklow

the mirror , lamp

christopher bucklow. oil on canvas, 64×200 inches

if not i: collection, in book form, of drawings , paintings done christopher bucklow between 1999 , 2004. contains works series mancunian heresy well. contains writings, essays bucklow , others, interviews. drawings , paintings have been made variety of media including graphite on paper, wax crayon on paper, oil, carbon, silicon, cast iuds. book excellent source understanding mental processes behind making of bucklow s work. images can seen on website referenced below.

guest: bucklow s guest series portrays cast of characters drawn circle of acquaintances. bucklow created giant images using sunlight technique similar pinhole photography technology. begins making life-sized silhouette drawing sitter s shadow on sheet of aluminium foil, penetrated thousands of pinholes within outline of shape. places foil on top of colour photographic paper, using sunlight record many images of sun , sky simultaneously. guest series exhibited in japan in winter 2009. bucklow s series beauty of world, made of images using same technique, including different patterns , designs instead of silhouettes of people. these works ongoing, along series tetrarchs made using same photographic process.

to reach inside vault: bucklow s recent body of work series of paintings thinking of presenting under title reach inside vault. these oil paintings on canvas, large in size. (the image shown here, example 64×200 inches.) filled symbols bucklow describes being produced mind authentic symbols itself. paintings seem flow out of him, thought , analyzed after finished. bucklow says, in talking motives in making these works, question role , place of consciousness within totality of unconscious mental systems (taken interview artist in eyeful magazine, 2009).


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