Biodiversity Albania

the korab-koritnik nature park covered several deciduous trees. notably deciduous forest cover 56.8% of total forest area of albania.

even though small in size, albania distinguished exceptionally rich , varied biodiversity. country host 30% of entire flora , 42% of fauna of europe. phytogeographically, albania straddles illyrian province of circumboreal region within boreal kingdom. country falls within 4 terrestrial ecoregions of palearctic ecozone including illyrian deciduous forests, balkan mixed forests, pindus mountains mixed forests , dinaric alpine mixed forests. country s biodiversity conserved in 14 national parks, 1 marine park, 4 ramsar sites, 1 biosphere reserve, 45 important plant areas, 16 important bird areas , 786 protected areas of various caterogies.

albania has 4,312 square kilometres (1,665 square miles) of pasture land , 10,000 square kilometres (3,861 square miles) of forest land, characteristically rich in flora. 3,000 different species of plants can found in country, many of used medicinal purposes. coastal regions , lowlands have typical mediterranean macchia vegetation, whereas oak forests , vegetation found @ higher elevations. vast forests of pine, beech , fir found on higher mountains such in albanian alps , korab mountains. alpine grasslands grow @ elevations above 1,800 metres (5,900 feet).

theth national park dominated limestone , dolomite rocks.

about 58 species of mammal , 353 species of birds occur in country. gray wolves, red foxes, brown bears, wild boars , chamoises few of primary predatory mammals. lynxes, wildcats, pine martens , polecats rare, still survive distributed throughout country. of significant bird species found in country include various bird of prey, vulture, grouse , waterfowl species. golden eagle both national animal , national symbol of albania. there 91 globally threatened species found within country, notable amongst them dalmatian pelican, pygmy cormorant , european sea sturgeon. rocky coastal regions in south provide habitats endangered mediterranean monk seal , short-beaked common dolphin.

albania had outstanding performance in 2010 environmental performance index, ranking 23th out of 163 countries in world. in 2012, country advanced 23th 15th, whereas had highest ranking in south , eastern europe , central asia. country 24th greenest country in world according 2005 environmental sustainability index. nevertheless 2016, country ranked 13th best performing country on happy planet index united nations.


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