Architecture of Classora Classora

1 architecture of classora

1.1 data extraction module
1.2 participatory module
1.3 connectivity module

architecture of classora
data extraction module

the data extraction module consists of set of robots coordinated software manages potential incidents. of information available in classora automatically uploaded through robots, connect main online public sources gather types of data. there 3 categories of robots:

extraction robots: responsible massive uploading of reports official public sources (fifa, cia, imf, eurostat...). used either absolute or incremental data uploading.
data scanner robots: responsible looking , updating data of unit of knowledge. use specific sources perform task: wikipedia, imdb, world bank, etc.
content aggregators: don’t connect external sources. instead, generate new information using classora’s internal database.

participatory module

in classora’s open website, internet users may participate providing knowledge on wikipedia. there different ways participate: adding or correcting data in knowledge base, voting in surveys (participatory rankings) , creating new knowledge units , data reports.

connectivity module

the knowledge base designed embedded in multi-platform, multi-channel systems, enabling integration mobile devices, tablets, interactive tv, etc. integration may carried out through specific plugins (for navigators or other devices) or api rest provides content in xml or json formats. api divided 3 blocks of operations. first 1 block of general utility tools (ranging autosuggest components geographical hierarchies operations obtain list of today’s celebrity birthdays, using cql). second 1 block of operations widget generation (graphs, maps, rankings) using information knowledge base. finally, there block of operations designed publication of free-source content.


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