Arab organizations in the conflict Arab separatism in Khuzestan

1 arab organizations in conflict

1.1 islamic reconciliation party
1.2 al-ahwaz arab peoples democratic popular front
1.3 ahwaz arab renaissance party
1.4 democratic solidarity party of al-ahwaz
1.5 ahwaz liberation organisation

arab organizations in conflict

there number of iranian arab political parties operating in exile, no known political party representing other ethnic groups in iranian khuzestan. ideology of arab parties varies, although secular in political outlook. ideology, tactics, tribal loyalties , personal ambition have prevented these parties forming united front. advocate armed resistance, while others believe in non-violent action. refer entire province of khuzestan al-ahwaz (which refers region in southwest portion) or arabistan, although define arabistan including territory along persian gulf coast strait of hormuz. whether these views popular or accepted amongst iranian arabs uncertain. khuzestan s deputy governor rahim fazilatpur claimed arab martyrs of khuzestan, al-ahwaz arab peoples democratic popular front (aadpf) , ahwaz arab renaissance party (aarp) given support british , governments carry out bomb attacks of june 2005.

the arab political parties divided 2 camps: seeking separate state , seeking regional autonomy within federal iran. critics of these parties claim separatism has no support among arabs, pointing decision many iranian arabs defend iran during iran–iraq war. support shown iranian arabs may have been result of knowledge of shiite muslims in saddam s iraq. contend separatism has been instigated foreign governments – particularly british – weaken iran in order control country s natural resources , extend influence on middle east. many make no distinction between separatists , federalists, claiming seeking federalism have separatist agenda , devolution of power regional ethnic groups lead break-up of iran.

islamic reconciliation party

the islamic reconciliation party (hezb al-wefagh), known reconciliation committee (lejnat al-wefagh), known arab group have been tolerated iranian government. jasem shadidzadeh al-tamimi party s secretary general. member of sixth majlis (2000–04), representing ahwaz member of islamic iran participation front, barred standing election in 2004. following unrest in khuzestan in april 2005, al-tamimi wrote president khotami calling on him remove wall of mistrust between proud iranian ethnicities, infected wounds of arab people of ahwaz may heal. added our wishful thinking reforms in arab affairs reformists has been mirage , indicating no longer had faith in participation front. listed number of grievances, including:

violence against arab demonstrators security forces
land confiscation
the destruction of arab residential compounds
the high level of drug abuse among iranian arabs, claims rooted in poverty
racial discrimination , official view of arabs security threat
the government s failure issue activity permits islamic wefagh party , affiliated non-governmental organisations

he indicates opposes separatism , ideology of extreme persian nationalism associates previous monarchist government. islamic wefagh party claims have extensive base of support in khuzestan. group banned in november 2006 , labelled subversive organisation trying unseat current system spreading racial hatred , provoking ethnic clashes. @ same time, 3 of leading members arrested.

al-ahwaz arab peoples democratic popular front

the al-ahwaz arab peoples democratic popular front (aadpf) based in london , led mahmud ahmad al-ahwazi, aka abu bashar. group calls human rights , democracy iranian arabs , believes al-ahwaz occupied iran in 1925. adpf has number of activists in iranian custody. rear admiral ali shamkhani, minister of defense , logistic affairs of armed forces, accused mahmud ahmad al-ahwazi of involvement in april 2005 unrest, while simultaneously claiming group had 0 popularity amongst arabs in khuzestan. adpf has claimed led calls intifada in khuzestan. shamkhani claimed mahmud ahmad al-ahwazi former member of savak (the shah s secret police) before revolution defected iraq during iran–iraq war. not known how much, if any, of shamkhani s claims true.

ahwaz arab renaissance party

the aarp separatist group advocating armed resistance iranian government. set in 1990s syrian government, has since moved leadership canada. in april 2005, claimed on pro-iraqi ba athist website had exploded bomb on ahwaz-tehran pipeline. claimed responsibility june 2005 bombings in ahwaz city. 2 other groups separately claimed responsibility attacks. led sabah al-musawi, canadian resident.

democratic solidarity party of al-ahwaz

the democratic solidarity party of al-ahwaz (dspa), based in , uk,claiming represent iranian arabs of khuzestan. dspa s ideology different separatists in explicitly rejects use of violence , advocates calls internal self-determination . limits territorial focus on khuzestan, making no stand on arab-populated living outside province.

the dspa claims khuzestan has historical arab identity , means province should given autonomy within federal political system, says respects iran s territorial integrity. achieve ends, has formed coalition like-minded parties representing kurds, azeris, baluchis, turkmen , lurs, of have been in armed conflict iranian state. formed in london in march 2005, congress of nationalities federal iran (cnfi) brought dspa, baluchistan united front, federal democratic movement of azerbaijan, democratic party of iranian kurdistan, balochistan people s party, organization defense of rights of turkmen people , komalah, militant kurdish opposition party.

ahwaz liberation organisation

the ahwaz liberation organisation (alo), based in maastricht in netherlands, formed out of remnants of 3 iraqi-backed groups – democratic revolutionary front liberation of arabistan (drfla), people s front liberation of arabistan (pfla) , arab front liberation of al-ahwaz (afla). secular pan-arabist group seeking independence iran. drfla notorious, having been sponsored saddam hussein.

it founded after newly installed islamic government fired on arab demonstrators in khorramshahr, killing many of them. drfla behind may 1980 iranian embassy siege in london, taking number of hostages in effort draw attention demands self-determination of arab population of khuzestan. british special air service (sas) stormed building , freed hostages.fowzi badavi nejad,the survivor of group, had survived because of embassy hostages had put between him , sas soldiers.some evidences indicated iraqi intelligence services had duped nejad taking part in siege. evidence showed once knew true nature of group s plans, continued because feared family, had fled iran iraq, suffer if tried withdraw last hostage.

the alo s constituent groups operated mercenary force on behalf of saddam s regime during iran–iraq war, carrying out assassinations , attacking oil facilities. bomb attacks on oil , power facilities have continued since end of iraq war, although alo has not formally claimed responsibility. alo s leader, self-styled president of al-ahwaz faleh abdallah al-mansouri, living in exile in netherlands since 1989, shortly after end of iran–iraq war, gaining dutch nationality. declared himself president of al-ahwaz, claims extends beyond khuzestan, including of coast of iran. however, during visit syria in may 2006, arrested along iranian arabs registered refugees unhcr.


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