Sponsorship of the show Jules Montenier

during first 2 episodes of s line?, production value atrocious. while have gone wrong did go wrong on first show, second show arguably bad. if anything, camera work worse. cbs liked many elements of show, production value had improved. cbs knew potential sponsor watching third show, issued ultimatum: either sponsor pick show, or show history.

franklin m. heller, 1 of television s pioneering directors, saved show. felt biggest problems show camera movement , lens changing. heller said, figured once cameramen , flowered shirts controlled , immobile, might able let show emerge.

to fix problem, heller changed format of set cameras remain stationary. placed moderator john daly , panel in different places entrances , exits not awkward. in addition, before third show, heller requested hour rehearsal camera crew mock panelists , contestants. rehearsal gave camera operators better feel how show should go.

at end of third show, dr. montenier called cbs and, according heller, said, don t know did it, ll buy it. next 8 years, either sole or alternating sponsor, stopette advertising face of s line?

bennett cerf explained of montenier s line? ruined poor man. cerf said when s line? first started, none of big companies wanted sponsor program. said thought program last few months , die out, program caught fire in ratings. cerf noted program spread city city, advertising costs continued rise accordingly. montenier proud of program, refused have co-sponsor. according cerf, montenier stuck s line? until program ruined him. @ peak, s line? running in every city across country. cerf said advertising costs became enormous montenier unable sell enough stopette make it. eventually, dr. montenier forced sell out, , this, according cerf, broke heart. when died, according cerf, cartoons appeared caption, poof! there goes dr. montenier!


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