Organization of the fraternity Sigma Chi

1 organization of fraternity

1.1 chapter officers
1.2 grand officers
1.3 grand chapter
1.4 grand council
1.5 executive committee
1.6 charitable foundations

organization of fraternity
chapter officers

officers in undergraduate chapters have titles derived imperial rome. top officers of each chapter known consul (president), pro consul (vice-president), annotator (minute-taker), quaestor (treasurer), magister (pledge trainer), kustos (sergeant-at-arms), tribune (communications), , historian. titles primary officers common chapters. chapters have other positions, such social chairman, sports chairman, scholarship chairman, house manager, rush chairman, etc., plus other positions , titles varying chapter chapter.

alumni chapter positions , duties may vary chapter chapter. alumni chapters use more common office titles such as: president, vice-president, secretary, , treasurer.

grand officers

the national organization uses similar roman titles, typically prefix of grand . grand consul international president of sigma chi. presides on executive committee, grand chapter , sigma chi corporation. current grand consul mike ursillo. current grand pro consul w. thomas geddings.

grand chapter

grand chapter supreme legislative body of sigma chi , convenes on odd numbered years. composed of 1 delegate each active undergraduate chapter , alumni chapter, grand consul , past grand consuls, each being entitled 1 vote. grand chapter elects officers of fraternity alter or amend constitution, statutes, , executive committee regulations. may grant or revoke charters discipline chapter, officer or member. recent sigma chi grand chapter held in washington, d.c. on june 27–29, 2013.

grand council

the grand council meets every year when no grand chapter held. grand council consists of grand officers, past grand consuls, members of executive committee, grand trustees, grand praetors, members of leadership training board , 1 undergraduate each province. may amend statutes or executive committee regulations.

the executive committee

the executive committee meets @ least 4 times year. executive committee consists of 11 members; grand consul, grand pro consul, grand quaestor, immediate past grand consul, grand trustee elected board of grand trustees, grand praetor elected praetorial college, 1 alumnus member-at-large, 2 undergraduate representatives elected undergraduate delegates each chapter, , 2 recent international balfour award winners. committee regulates budget , expenditures assign duties international headquarters staff.

charitable foundations

the sigma chi foundation charitable , educational tax-exempt organization, separate , independent fraternity, express purpose serve educational funding resource undergraduate , graduate student members of sigma chi fraternity.

a board of governors, headed chairman bob johnson, governs foundation. foundation s president , ceo ashley woods , foundation s offices based in evanston, ill.

the sigma chi canadian foundation canadian counterpart of sigma chi foundation. serves independently of both fraternity , american foundation. formed canadian sigma chi alumni registered charitable foundation provide tax-effective way canadian sigma chi support educational pursuits of canadian undergraduate chapters. foundation guided chair , board of directors of alumni members.


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